Biographical sketches of distinguished officers of the army and navy . -, 1S90, to October, 1S91 ; assis-tant quartermasters office, Philadelphia, October,1891, to 1S97. He retired with the rank of major,June, 1S97. He died at his home in West Philadel-phia, Pa., Januar 3, 1905. He had been in badhealth for a long time, and more than a year ago wascompelled to resign as commandant of the StateSoldiers Home, at Erie, because he was physicallyunable to perform the duties of the office. MajorCollum was a member of the Lo^al Legion, NavalOrder, the Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of theRevolution, Stock Photo
RM2ANDX55–Biographical sketches of distinguished officers of the army and navy . -, 1S90, to October, 1S91 ; assis-tant quartermasters office, Philadelphia, October,1891, to 1S97. He retired with the rank of major,June, 1S97. He died at his home in West Philadel-phia, Pa., Januar 3, 1905. He had been in badhealth for a long time, and more than a year ago wascompelled to resign as commandant of the StateSoldiers Home, at Erie, because he was physicallyunable to perform the duties of the office. MajorCollum was a member of the Lo^al Legion, NavalOrder, the Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of theRevolution,
Osteopathy Complete . ^ given every other day. HEPATIC AMYLOID DEGENEKATION. (Starch-like degeneration of the liver. Generally a sequel of syphilis.) SYMPTOMS. Enlargement without pain; face swollen and pallid; im-paired digestion; ankles edematous.No cure in Osteopathy, HEPATIC CARCINOMA. (Cancer of the liver.) SYMPTOMS. Loss of fiesh; cachexia (malnutrition and general badhealth, characterized by a waxy or sallow complexion);enlargement of the liver; fluids in the peritoneal cavity;deranged digestion; lancinating pains. No cure in Osteopathy. HEPATIC HYDATID CYST. (Tumor of the liver, occurr Stock Photo
RM2AWE0B7–Osteopathy Complete . ^ given every other day. HEPATIC AMYLOID DEGENEKATION. (Starch-like degeneration of the liver. Generally a sequel of syphilis.) SYMPTOMS. Enlargement without pain; face swollen and pallid; im-paired digestion; ankles edematous.No cure in Osteopathy, HEPATIC CARCINOMA. (Cancer of the liver.) SYMPTOMS. Loss of fiesh; cachexia (malnutrition and general badhealth, characterized by a waxy or sallow complexion);enlargement of the liver; fluids in the peritoneal cavity;deranged digestion; lancinating pains. No cure in Osteopathy. HEPATIC HYDATID CYST. (Tumor of the liver, occurr
. Roll of service in the Great War, 1914-1919. and perseverance which he set toall his officers and men during the last four terribledays of his life—all of it was simply splendid . KENNEDY, ANDREW MACPHERSON: 2nd Lieutenant, 20th Battalion Lanca-shire Fusi 1 i e rs ; son of Donald Ken-nedy, Inverness;born Inverness, 2September 1890;educated at Inver-gordon Academy andInverness RoyalAcademy ; student inMedicine, AberdeenUniversity, 1909-13.Kennedy had to giveup his studies for atime, owing to badhealth, and went to Borneo.. 84 IX MEM OKI AM. In January 1916 he returned from abroad tojoin the S Stock Photo
RM2AG2M9G–. Roll of service in the Great War, 1914-1919. and perseverance which he set toall his officers and men during the last four terribledays of his life—all of it was simply splendid . KENNEDY, ANDREW MACPHERSON: 2nd Lieutenant, 20th Battalion Lanca-shire Fusi 1 i e rs ; son of Donald Ken-nedy, Inverness;born Inverness, 2September 1890;educated at Inver-gordon Academy andInverness RoyalAcademy ; student inMedicine, AberdeenUniversity, 1909-13.Kennedy had to giveup his studies for atime, owing to badhealth, and went to Borneo.. 84 IX MEM OKI AM. In January 1916 he returned from abroad tojoin the S
North Carolina Christian advocate [serial] . ve named.—Edwa:dBok. HAPPY Is one where health abounds.With impure blood there cannotbe good health. With a disordered LIVER therecannot be good blood. Tims Pills revivify the torpid LIVER and restoreits natural action. A healthy LIVER means pure blood. im Pure blood means health.Health means happiness.Take no Substitute. All Druggists. THE BEST PATENT ON THE MARKET. $100. REWARD. If TREATMENT dont cure any case of badhealth, catarrh, bad blood, bad taste, bad breath,bad complexion, Irregular appetite, bowel trouble,weak kidVys, lazy liver, rheumati Stock Photo
RM2ANEW08–North Carolina Christian advocate [serial] . ve named.—Edwa:dBok. HAPPY Is one where health abounds.With impure blood there cannotbe good health. With a disordered LIVER therecannot be good blood. Tims Pills revivify the torpid LIVER and restoreits natural action. A healthy LIVER means pure blood. im Pure blood means health.Health means happiness.Take no Substitute. All Druggists. THE BEST PATENT ON THE MARKET. $100. REWARD. If TREATMENT dont cure any case of badhealth, catarrh, bad blood, bad taste, bad breath,bad complexion, Irregular appetite, bowel trouble,weak kidVys, lazy liver, rheumati
North Carolina Christian advocate [serial] . ictly FIRST-CLASS Equipmenton all Through and Local Trains;Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars en allNight Trains; Fast and Safe Sched-ules Trave1 by the Southern and you areassureu a Safe, Comfortable and Expeditious Journey. Apply to Tloket Agents for Time Tables. Kates ana general information, or addressB. L. VERNON, T. P. A., T. C. 8TUKGI8, C. T. A.Charlotte, N. C, Raleigh, N. 0. No Trouble to Answer Questions.PHONE I41. S. H. HARDWICK, G. P. A., THE BEST PATENT ON THE MARKET $100. REWARD If TREATMENT dont cure any case of badhealth, catarrh, had blood Stock Photo
RM2ANEF4C–North Carolina Christian advocate [serial] . ictly FIRST-CLASS Equipmenton all Through and Local Trains;Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars en allNight Trains; Fast and Safe Sched-ules Trave1 by the Southern and you areassureu a Safe, Comfortable and Expeditious Journey. Apply to Tloket Agents for Time Tables. Kates ana general information, or addressB. L. VERNON, T. P. A., T. C. 8TUKGI8, C. T. A.Charlotte, N. C, Raleigh, N. 0. No Trouble to Answer Questions.PHONE I41. S. H. HARDWICK, G. P. A., THE BEST PATENT ON THE MARKET $100. REWARD If TREATMENT dont cure any case of badhealth, catarrh, had blood
North Carolina Christian advocate [serial] . Chills and all Malarial Fevers.Better than Quinine. Guaranteed, try it. AtDruareifltn. ro.i und^tl.00 Dottles CAPDDINE i Nervous Headache PflBEG Lagrippe Pains,IjUnflO Sick Headache, HEADACHE. Etc-Etc- 250. a bottle at Drug-gists.June 88-ly nrm r. J. S. Betts, I % DENTIST. 3|| ^Opposite Hotel Guilford.^ !| THE BEST PATENT ON THE MARKET. $100. reward. If TREATMENT dont cure any case ot badhealth, catarrh, bad blood, bad taste, bad breath,bad complexion, irregular appetite, bowel trouble,weak kidnc ys, lazy liver, rheumatism, dyspepsia,headache, backa Stock Photo!-the-best-patent-on-the-market-100-reward-if-treatment-dont-cure-any-case-ot-badhealth-catarrh-bad-blood-bad-taste-bad-breathbad-complexion-irregular-appetite-bowel-troubleweak-kidnc-ys-lazy-liver-rheumatism-dyspepsiaheadache-backa-image340245638.html
RM2ANFENX–North Carolina Christian advocate [serial] . Chills and all Malarial Fevers.Better than Quinine. Guaranteed, try it. AtDruareifltn. ro.i und^tl.00 Dottles CAPDDINE i Nervous Headache PflBEG Lagrippe Pains,IjUnflO Sick Headache, HEADACHE. Etc-Etc- 250. a bottle at Drug-gists.June 88-ly nrm r. J. S. Betts, I % DENTIST. 3|| ^Opposite Hotel Guilford.^ !| THE BEST PATENT ON THE MARKET. $100. reward. If TREATMENT dont cure any case ot badhealth, catarrh, bad blood, bad taste, bad breath,bad complexion, irregular appetite, bowel trouble,weak kidnc ys, lazy liver, rheumatism, dyspepsia,headache, backa
. Lord Grey of the Reform Bill, being the life of Charles, second Earl Grey. d nevercome * during my life or even yours ! * In all that Grey said and did, and still more in allthat he failed to say and do, at this period, his badhealth was an important factor. He was subject torecurrent fits of depression. Lady Grey, too, was oftenvery unwell between 1816 and 1826.^ On account ofhis own health and his wife*s. Grey was more thanever anxious to get his standing resignation of the Whigleadership accepted by his colleagues. But Holland,into whose hands he wished to resign the succession,was firm i Stock Photo!-in-all-that-grey-said-and-did-and-still-more-in-allthat-he-failed-to-say-and-do-at-this-period-his-badhealth-was-an-important-factor-he-was-subject-torecurrent-fits-of-depression-lady-grey-too-was-oftenvery-unwell-between-1816-and-1826-on-account-ofhis-own-health-and-his-wifes-grey-was-more-thanever-anxious-to-get-his-standing-resignation-of-the-whigleadership-accepted-by-his-colleagues-but-hollandinto-whose-hands-he-wished-to-resign-the-successionwas-firm-i-image370835270.html
RM2CF904P–. Lord Grey of the Reform Bill, being the life of Charles, second Earl Grey. d nevercome * during my life or even yours ! * In all that Grey said and did, and still more in allthat he failed to say and do, at this period, his badhealth was an important factor. He was subject torecurrent fits of depression. Lady Grey, too, was oftenvery unwell between 1816 and 1826.^ On account ofhis own health and his wife*s. Grey was more thanever anxious to get his standing resignation of the Whigleadership accepted by his colleagues. But Holland,into whose hands he wished to resign the succession,was firm i
. Biographical sketches of distingushed officers of the army and navy . -, i8go, to October, 1891 ; assis-tant quartermasters office, Philadelphia, October,1891, to 1897. He retired with tlie rank of major,June, 1S97. He died at his home in West Philadel-phia, Pa., January 3, 1905. He had been in badhealth for a long time, and more than a year ago wascompelled to resign as commandant of the StateSoldiers Home, at Erie, because he was physicallyunable to perform the duties of the office. ^lajorCoUum was a member of the Iv03al Legion, NavalOrder, the Society of Colonial V^ars, Sons of theRevolut Stock Photo
RM2CDYG49–. Biographical sketches of distingushed officers of the army and navy . -, i8go, to October, 1891 ; assis-tant quartermasters office, Philadelphia, October,1891, to 1897. He retired with tlie rank of major,June, 1S97. He died at his home in West Philadel-phia, Pa., January 3, 1905. He had been in badhealth for a long time, and more than a year ago wascompelled to resign as commandant of the StateSoldiers Home, at Erie, because he was physicallyunable to perform the duties of the office. ^lajorCoUum was a member of the Iv03al Legion, NavalOrder, the Society of Colonial V^ars, Sons of theRevolut
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