HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477099.html
RM2BNGDK7–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
Alemania. Pruebas de aerostación con un globo de aluminio, realizada en Berlín el 8 de noviembre de 1897. Herr Schwarz, de Agram, ideó y construyó el globo cilíndrico de aluminio que aparece en la imagen. El aerostato tenia 134 pies de largo y 46 de alto. La prueba no dió los resultados esperados, si bien el globo llegó a elevarse a 800 pies de altura. Grabado por Matute. La Ilustración Española y Americana,22 de enero de 1898. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/alemania-pruebas-de-aerostacin-con-un-globo-de-aluminio-realizada-en-berln-el-8-de-noviembre-de-1897-herr-schwarz-de-agram-ide-y-construy-el-globo-cilndrico-de-aluminio-que-aparece-en-la-imagen-el-aerostato-tenia-134-pies-de-largo-y-46-de-alto-la-prueba-no-di-los-resultados-esperados-si-bien-el-globo-lleg-a-elevarse-a-800-pies-de-altura-grabado-por-matute-la-ilustracin-espaola-y-americana22-de-enero-de-1898-image356819623.html
RM2BMEF1Y–Alemania. Pruebas de aerostación con un globo de aluminio, realizada en Berlín el 8 de noviembre de 1897. Herr Schwarz, de Agram, ideó y construyó el globo cilíndrico de aluminio que aparece en la imagen. El aerostato tenia 134 pies de largo y 46 de alto. La prueba no dió los resultados esperados, si bien el globo llegó a elevarse a 800 pies de altura. Grabado por Matute. La Ilustración Española y Americana,22 de enero de 1898.
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477796.html
RM2BNGEG4–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
'Fuego de San Telmo producido durante el regreso de un avión alemán tras el bombardeo de un puerto de la costa inglesa'. Pie de foto textual en una de las páginas interiores de la revista 'Signal', ejemplar número 4 (febrero de 1941) de la versión española (SP 4). Esta revista se publicó entre abril de 1940 y abril de 1945, siendo el principal órgano de propaganda del ejército alemán durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. A partir del número 8 de 1941 se publicó una versión íntegra en español, identificada con el código SP. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/fuego-de-san-telmo-producido-durante-el-regreso-de-un-avin-alemn-tras-el-bombardeo-de-un-puerto-de-la-costa-inglesa-pie-de-foto-textual-en-una-de-las-pginas-interiores-de-la-revista-signal-ejemplar-nmero-4-febrero-de-1941-de-la-versin-espaola-sp-4-esta-revista-se-public-entre-abril-de-1940-y-abril-de-1945-siendo-el-principal-rgano-de-propaganda-del-ejrcito-alemn-durante-la-segunda-guerra-mundial-a-partir-del-nmero-8-de-1941-se-public-una-versin-ntegra-en-espaol-identificada-con-el-cdigo-sp-image351239759.html
RM2BBC9W3–'Fuego de San Telmo producido durante el regreso de un avión alemán tras el bombardeo de un puerto de la costa inglesa'. Pie de foto textual en una de las páginas interiores de la revista 'Signal', ejemplar número 4 (febrero de 1941) de la versión española (SP 4). Esta revista se publicó entre abril de 1940 y abril de 1945, siendo el principal órgano de propaganda del ejército alemán durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. A partir del número 8 de 1941 se publicó una versión íntegra en español, identificada con el código SP.
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477418.html
RM2BNGE2J–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
'Las fasces vuelan sobre Inglaterra, desde el 26 de septiembre de 1940, las escuadras de la aviación italiana toman parte en los ataques de represalia contra las islas británicas. El cuerpo de aviación italiano en el Canal de La Mancha es mandado por el general Rino Corso Fougier, que se distinguió en la guerra de España. Las 'cigüeñas'-así se llaman los bombarderos italianos-, las pilotan aviadores acreditados en Abisinia, España y Albania'. Pie de foto textual en una página interior de la revista 'Signal', ejemplar número 1 (enero de 1941) de la versión española (SP 1). Esta revista se publi Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/las-fasces-vuelan-sobre-inglaterra-desde-el-26-de-septiembre-de-1940-las-escuadras-de-la-aviacin-italiana-toman-parte-en-los-ataques-de-represalia-contra-las-islas-britnicas-el-cuerpo-de-aviacin-italiano-en-el-canal-de-la-mancha-es-mandado-por-el-general-rino-corso-fougier-que-se-distingui-en-la-guerra-de-espaa-las-cigeas-as-se-llaman-los-bombarderos-italianos-las-pilotan-aviadores-acreditados-en-abisinia-espaa-y-albania-pie-de-foto-textual-en-una-pgina-interior-de-la-revista-signal-ejemplar-nmero-1-enero-de-1941-de-la-versin-espaola-sp-1-esta-revista-se-publi-image351239853.html
RM2BBCA0D–'Las fasces vuelan sobre Inglaterra, desde el 26 de septiembre de 1940, las escuadras de la aviación italiana toman parte en los ataques de represalia contra las islas británicas. El cuerpo de aviación italiano en el Canal de La Mancha es mandado por el general Rino Corso Fougier, que se distinguió en la guerra de España. Las 'cigüeñas'-así se llaman los bombarderos italianos-, las pilotan aviadores acreditados en Abisinia, España y Albania'. Pie de foto textual en una página interior de la revista 'Signal', ejemplar número 1 (enero de 1941) de la versión española (SP 1). Esta revista se publi
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477195.html
RM2BNGDPK–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
'A flor de agua del Canal de La Mancha se abate un gran punto verde. Aviadores alemanes lo descubren durante su regreso de Inglaterra. Saben su significado, hacen una señal hacia abajo y radian a su unidad... ' Pie de foto textual en una página interior de la revista 'Signal', ejemplar número 2 (enero de 1941) de la versión española (SP 2). Esta revista se publicó entre abril de 1940 y abril de 1945, siendo el principal órgano de propaganda del ejército alemán durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. A partir del número 8 de 1941 se publicó una versión íntegra en español, identificada con el código Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/a-flor-de-agua-del-canal-de-la-mancha-se-abate-un-gran-punto-verde-aviadores-alemanes-lo-descubren-durante-su-regreso-de-inglaterra-saben-su-significado-hacen-una-seal-hacia-abajo-y-radian-a-su-unidad-pie-de-foto-textual-en-una-pgina-interior-de-la-revista-signal-ejemplar-nmero-2-enero-de-1941-de-la-versin-espaola-sp-2-esta-revista-se-public-entre-abril-de-1940-y-abril-de-1945-siendo-el-principal-rgano-de-propaganda-del-ejrcito-alemn-durante-la-segunda-guerra-mundial-a-partir-del-nmero-8-de-1941-se-public-una-versin-ntegra-en-espaol-identificada-con-el-cdigo-image351239855.html
RM2BBCA0F–'A flor de agua del Canal de La Mancha se abate un gran punto verde. Aviadores alemanes lo descubren durante su regreso de Inglaterra. Saben su significado, hacen una señal hacia abajo y radian a su unidad... ' Pie de foto textual en una página interior de la revista 'Signal', ejemplar número 2 (enero de 1941) de la versión española (SP 2). Esta revista se publicó entre abril de 1940 y abril de 1945, siendo el principal órgano de propaganda del ejército alemán durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. A partir del número 8 de 1941 se publicó una versión íntegra en español, identificada con el código
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477674.html
RM2BNGEBP–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477106.html
RM2BNGDKE–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477658.html
RM2BNGEB6–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477282.html
RM2BNGDWP–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357476854.html
RM2BNGDAE–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477280.html
RM2BNGDWM–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477202.html
RM2BNGDPX–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image358482936.html
RM2BR68J0–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477117.html
RM2BNGDKW–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477911.html
RM2BNGEM7–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357476783.html
RM2BNGD7Y–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357476882.html
RM2BNGDBE–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357476866.html
RM2BNGDAX–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477549.html
RM2BNGE79–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477180.html
RM2BNGDP4–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477776.html
RM2BNGEFC–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image358482760.html
RM2BR68BM–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357476946.html
RM2BNGDDP–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357478031.html
RM2BNGETF–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image358482196.html
RM2BR67KG–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477769.html
RM2BNGEF5–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477546.html
RM2BNGE76–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357476861.html
RM2BNGDAN–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477791.html
RM2BNGEFY–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357476789.html
RM2BNGD85–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477909.html
RM2BNGEM5–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image358482434.html
RM2BR6802–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477033.html
RM2BNGDGW–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image358481918.html
RM2BR679J–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image358482414.html
RM2BR67YA–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image358482652.html
RM2BR687T–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image358482149.html
RM2BR67HW–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357476877.html
RM2BNGDB9–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477174.html
RM2BNGDNX–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477271.html
RM2BNGDWB–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357476872.html
RM2BNGDB4–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477892.html
RM2BNGEKG–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357478135.html
RM2BNGF07–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477538.html
RM2BNGE6X–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477191.html
RM2BNGDPF–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image358482633.html
RM2BR6875–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357478009.html
RM2BNGERN–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477663.html
RM2BNGEBB–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477557.html
RM2BNGE7H–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357478149.html
RM2BNGF0N–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image358483091.html
RM2BR68RF–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357478038.html
RM2BNGETP–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image358482428.html
RM2BR67YT–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477274.html
RM2BNGDWE–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image358482024.html
RM2BR67DC–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357476796.html
RM2BNGD8C–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477286.html
RM2BNGDWX–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image358481897.html
RM2BR678W–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image358482641.html
RM2BR687D–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477276.html
RM2BNGDWG–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image358481683.html
RM2BR6717–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477026.html
RM2BNGDGJ–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image358482859.html
RM2BR68F7–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image358481908.html
RM2BR6798–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477394.html
RM2BNGE1P–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477409.html
RM2BNGE29–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image358482841.html
RM2BR68EH–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357477266.html
RM2BNGDW6–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image358481714.html
RM2BR672A–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldiers-of-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-hercules-c-130-aircraft-equipment-material-and-medical-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-due-to-the-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-landing-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-hermosillo-mexico-may-14-soldados-del-ejercito-mexicano-y-fuerza-area-descargan-de-avion-hrcules-c-130-equipo-material-e-insumos-mdicos-para-atender-la-emergencia-sanitaria-por-el-coronavirus-on-may-14-2020-in-hermosillo-mexico-aterrizaje-photo-by-luis-gutierrez-norte-photo-image357476779.html
RM2BNGD7R–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldiers of the Mexican Army and Air Force unload Hercules C-130 aircraft, equipment, material and medical supplies to attend the health emergency due to the Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Landing (Photo by Luis Gutierrez / Norte Photo /) HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 14: Soldados del ejercito mexicano y Fuerza Aérea descargan de avion Hércules C-130 equipo, material e insumos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria por el Coronavirus on May 14, 2020 in Hermosillo, Mexico. Aterrizaje (Photo by Luis Gutierrez/ Norte Photo/)
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359708625.html
RM2BW640H–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359707567.html
RM2BW62JR–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359708348.html
RM2BW63JM–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359707441.html
RM2BW62E9–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359708730.html
RM2BW644A–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359707378.html
RM2BW62C2–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359707523.html
RM2BW62H7–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359707651.html
RM2BW62NR–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359707452.html
RM2BW62EM–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359707490.html
RM2BW62G2–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359708534.html
RM2BW63WA–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359708887.html
RM2BW649Y–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359707510.html
RM2BW62GP–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359707323.html
RM2BW62A3–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359707520.html
RM2BW62H4–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359707385.html
RM2BW62C9–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359708839.html
RM2BW6487–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359707484.html
RM2BW62FT–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359708873.html
RM2BW649D–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359707629.html
RM2BW62N1–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359707337.html
RM2BW62AH–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359707645.html
RM2BW62NH–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359707293.html
RM2BW6291–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359707447.html
RM2BW62EF–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359708478.html
RM2BW63RA–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359707459.html
RM2BW62EY–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hermosillo-mexico-may-28soldiers-from-the-mexican-army-and-air-force-unload-medical-equipment-and-supplies-from-the-hercules-c-130-aircraft-at-air-base-no-18-to-implement-plan-dn-iii-e-and-attend-to-the-covid-19-health-emergency-arrival-of-the-spartan-c27j-aircraft-from-mexico-city-to-the-no18-military-air-base-loaded-with-medical-equipment-and-supplies-to-attend-the-health-emergency-by-covid-19-soldados-del-ejrcito-y-la-fuerza-area-mexicanos-descargan-equipos-mdicos-y-suministros-de-la-aeronave-hercules-c-130-en-la-base-aerea-no-18-para-implementar-el-plan-dn-iii-e-y-atender-la-image359707619.html
RM2BW62MK–HERMOSILLO, MEXICO - MAY 28:Soldiers from the Mexican army and air force unload medical equipment and supplies from the Hercules C-130 aircraft at Air Base no. 18 to implement Plan DN-III-E and attend to the Covid-19 health emergency Arrival of the Spartan C27J aircraft from Mexico City to the No.18 Military Air Base loaded with medical equipment and supplies to attend the health emergency by Covid-19 Soldados del ejército y la fuerza aérea mexicanos descargan equipos médicos y suministros de la aeronave Hercules C-130 en la Base Aerea no. 18 para implementar el Plan DN-III-E y atender la
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