An engraving depicting a device invented by Mr Grothe of London for preventing pilfering by tram conductors. The conductor has to turn a handle clockwise when a passenger enters, and anti-clockwise when a passenger enters, and anti-clockwise when one leaves. The totals and the numbers remaining at any one time are recorded. Dated 19th century Stock Photo
RMRJK1G7–An engraving depicting a device invented by Mr Grothe of London for preventing pilfering by tram conductors. The conductor has to turn a handle clockwise when a passenger enters, and anti-clockwise when a passenger enters, and anti-clockwise when one leaves. The totals and the numbers remaining at any one time are recorded. Dated 19th century
Square over the stables v.d. Heeren Mr. Grothe and / De Graaf - Rietsteeg Utrecht. Stock Photo
RM2JWC754–Square over the stables v.d. Heeren Mr. Grothe and / De Graaf - Rietsteeg Utrecht.
History of Idaho; a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests . herhood. At Boise, Idaho, on November 11. 1904. Mr. Brownwas united in marriage to Miss Albertina Grothe,whose father. .-X. Grothe. was a mining engineer ofnote. Mr. Grothe was identified with the construc-tion of the Farmers Co-operative Ditch in this statein earlv days and he was chief engineer in chargeof the building of the Tay bridge across the mouthof the River Tay in Scotland, one of the longestbridges in the world. Mr. and Mrs. Brown havefour children: John Albert, William, Ceceli Stock Photo
RM2AKG6H8–History of Idaho; a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests . herhood. At Boise, Idaho, on November 11. 1904. Mr. Brownwas united in marriage to Miss Albertina Grothe,whose father. .-X. Grothe. was a mining engineer ofnote. Mr. Grothe was identified with the construc-tion of the Farmers Co-operative Ditch in this statein earlv days and he was chief engineer in chargeof the building of the Tay bridge across the mouthof the River Tay in Scotland, one of the longestbridges in the world. Mr. and Mrs. Brown havefour children: John Albert, William, Ceceli
Buildings on the square Rietsteeg Utrecht over the stable v.d. H.H. Mr. Grothe and the old notary count. Stock Photo
RM2JWC6X1–Buildings on the square Rietsteeg Utrecht over the stable v.d. H.H. Mr. Grothe and the old notary count.
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