Medical illustration of the vocal cord diseases Stock Vector
RFT6E3WE–Medical illustration of the vocal cord diseases
Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration Stock Vector
RFR1T480–Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration
A manual of diseases of the throat and nose : including the pharynx, larynx, trachea, oesophagus, nose and naso-pharynx . ortion of the right pneumogastricnerve (which, of course, includes the nerve-fibrils ultimately forming thesuperior laryngeal nerve), the muscles of the epiglottis acted normally,and the sensibility of the larynx remained intact, though there was com-plete paralysis of the right vocal cord, is probably to be explained by thecompensatory action of the left nerve. There is, however, much difficultyin meeting the cases of Tiirck.4 That excellent observer has reportedseveral ca Stock Photo
RM2AKAFYJ–A manual of diseases of the throat and nose : including the pharynx, larynx, trachea, oesophagus, nose and naso-pharynx . ortion of the right pneumogastricnerve (which, of course, includes the nerve-fibrils ultimately forming thesuperior laryngeal nerve), the muscles of the epiglottis acted normally,and the sensibility of the larynx remained intact, though there was com-plete paralysis of the right vocal cord, is probably to be explained by thecompensatory action of the left nerve. There is, however, much difficultyin meeting the cases of Tiirck.4 That excellent observer has reportedseveral ca
Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration Stock Vector
RFR1T474–Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration
Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares . g. 178), and the appearance of the partsnearly four years after the operation (Fig. 179), are well shown in the accom-panying illustrations, in the last two of which the line of the tracheal incision isdistinctly seen. An important feature in connection with this case, which isreported in detail elsewhere,1 consists in the fact that there was a reproductionof tissue in the left vocal cord, the anterior portion of which had been purposelysacrific Stock Photo
RM2AXJ212–Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares . g. 178), and the appearance of the partsnearly four years after the operation (Fig. 179), are well shown in the accom-panying illustrations, in the last two of which the line of the tracheal incision isdistinctly seen. An important feature in connection with this case, which isreported in detail elsewhere,1 consists in the fact that there was a reproductionof tissue in the left vocal cord, the anterior portion of which had been purposelysacrific
Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration Stock Vector
RFR1T47N–Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration
A treatise on physiology and hygiene for educational institutions and general readers .. . Fig. 45.—Section of the Mouth and Throat, A, The Tongue. C, Vocal Cord. N, Trachea. B, The Uvula. E, Epiglottis. O, (Esophagus. L, Larynx. three diseases which more commonly affect the lungs, as the resultof exposure, are pneumonia, or inflammation of the lungs, affecting,principally, the air-cells ; bronchitis, an inflammation of the largebronchial tubes; and pleurisy, an inflammation of the pleura, oroutside wrapping of the lungs. Among the young, an inflamma-tion of the trachea takes place, known as c Stock Photo
RM2AXBCBN–A treatise on physiology and hygiene for educational institutions and general readers .. . Fig. 45.—Section of the Mouth and Throat, A, The Tongue. C, Vocal Cord. N, Trachea. B, The Uvula. E, Epiglottis. O, (Esophagus. L, Larynx. three diseases which more commonly affect the lungs, as the resultof exposure, are pneumonia, or inflammation of the lungs, affecting,principally, the air-cells ; bronchitis, an inflammation of the largebronchial tubes; and pleurisy, an inflammation of the pleura, oroutside wrapping of the lungs. Among the young, an inflamma-tion of the trachea takes place, known as c
Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration Stock Vector
RFR1T47X–Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration
. A manual of diseases of the nose and throat. Paralysis of the left recurrent laryngeal nerve. Appearance of the vocalcords during respiration. Examination. Examination of the larynx in cases inwhich unilateral paralysis of the recurrent laryngealnerve exists will reveal one vocal cord in the cadavericposition (Figs. 123 and 124). The cord does not move Fig. 124.. Paralysis of the left recurrent laryngeal nerve. Appearance of the vocalcords during phonation. either in phonation or respiration. Its inner margin iscurved, with the concavity toward the median line. The THE NEUROSES OF THE LARYNX Stock Photo
RM2AGE9DD–. A manual of diseases of the nose and throat. Paralysis of the left recurrent laryngeal nerve. Appearance of the vocalcords during respiration. Examination. Examination of the larynx in cases inwhich unilateral paralysis of the recurrent laryngealnerve exists will reveal one vocal cord in the cadavericposition (Figs. 123 and 124). The cord does not move Fig. 124.. Paralysis of the left recurrent laryngeal nerve. Appearance of the vocalcords during phonation. either in phonation or respiration. Its inner margin iscurved, with the concavity toward the median line. The THE NEUROSES OF THE LARYNX
Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration Stock Vector
RFR1T473–Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration
A treatise on physiology and hygiene for educational institutions and general readers .. . Fig. 45.—Section of the Mouth and Throat, A, The Tongue. C, Vocal Cord. N, Trachea. B, The Uvula. E, Epiglottis. O, ffisophagus. L, Larynx. three diseases which more commonly affect the lungs, as the resultof exposure, are pneumonia, or inflammation of the lungs, affecting,principally, the air-cells; bronchitis, an inflammation of the largebronchial tubes; and pleurisy, an inflammation of the pleura, oroutside wrapping of the lungs. Among the young, an inflamma-tion of the trachea takes place, known as c Stock Photo
RM2AJG8JT–A treatise on physiology and hygiene for educational institutions and general readers .. . Fig. 45.—Section of the Mouth and Throat, A, The Tongue. C, Vocal Cord. N, Trachea. B, The Uvula. E, Epiglottis. O, ffisophagus. L, Larynx. three diseases which more commonly affect the lungs, as the resultof exposure, are pneumonia, or inflammation of the lungs, affecting,principally, the air-cells; bronchitis, an inflammation of the largebronchial tubes; and pleurisy, an inflammation of the pleura, oroutside wrapping of the lungs. Among the young, an inflamma-tion of the trachea takes place, known as c
Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration Stock Vector
RFR1T478–Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration
Diseases of the nose and throat . t, to a general muscular atony. A very common form of myopathic paralysis is seen in tin- loss of 400 DISEASES OF THE NOSE AND THROAT. power of the thyroarytenoid muscles resulting from overuse of thelarynx when inflamed. Vocal fatigue from muscular strain, whetherin speaking or singing, often results in this condition. The thyro-arytenoid muscles are the most important and interesting of the in-trinsic muscles of the larynx as regards purity and sweetness of tone.Some of their fibers are distributed to the margin of the cord andare capable of limiting vibrati Stock Photo
RM2AKA9T2–Diseases of the nose and throat . t, to a general muscular atony. A very common form of myopathic paralysis is seen in tin- loss of 400 DISEASES OF THE NOSE AND THROAT. power of the thyroarytenoid muscles resulting from overuse of thelarynx when inflamed. Vocal fatigue from muscular strain, whetherin speaking or singing, often results in this condition. The thyro-arytenoid muscles are the most important and interesting of the in-trinsic muscles of the larynx as regards purity and sweetness of tone.Some of their fibers are distributed to the margin of the cord andare capable of limiting vibrati
Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration Stock Vector
RFR1T47J–Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration
A manual of diseases of the throat and nose : including the pharynx, larynx, trachea, oesophagus, nose and naso-pharynx . Pig. 91.—Paralysis of the Left Re- Fig. 92.—Paralysis of the Left Re- current Nerve as seen in Inspiration. current Nerve as seen in Phonation. cord may even be dragged over so as to lie on the paralyzed cord. Inspeaking of bilateral paralysis, it was remarked that in the early stages,and often during the entire period, the abductor is more affected than theadductors of the vocal cords.2 This observation applies to the affectionwhen it is limited to one side. Hence stridor Stock Photo
RM2AKAE8P–A manual of diseases of the throat and nose : including the pharynx, larynx, trachea, oesophagus, nose and naso-pharynx . Pig. 91.—Paralysis of the Left Re- Fig. 92.—Paralysis of the Left Re- current Nerve as seen in Inspiration. current Nerve as seen in Phonation. cord may even be dragged over so as to lie on the paralyzed cord. Inspeaking of bilateral paralysis, it was remarked that in the early stages,and often during the entire period, the abductor is more affected than theadductors of the vocal cords.2 This observation applies to the affectionwhen it is limited to one side. Hence stridor
Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration Stock Vector
RFR1T47P–Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration
A manual of diseases of the throat and nose : including the pharynx, larynx, trachea, oesophagus, nose and naso-pharynx . Fig. 9o.—Inspiration. Fig. 94.—Attempted Phonation. (The right arytenoid cartilage is seen to pass in front of the left, andthe right vocal cord to pass beyond,the median line to compensate for theinaction of the left cord.) Paralysis of Individual Laryngeal Muscles. It has already been pointed out that individual fibres of the nervessupplying the laryngeal muscles may be implicated either in the medulla,in the main trunks, or the so-called branches, but in addition to thes Stock Photo
RM2AKADD4–A manual of diseases of the throat and nose : including the pharynx, larynx, trachea, oesophagus, nose and naso-pharynx . Fig. 9o.—Inspiration. Fig. 94.—Attempted Phonation. (The right arytenoid cartilage is seen to pass in front of the left, andthe right vocal cord to pass beyond,the median line to compensate for theinaction of the left cord.) Paralysis of Individual Laryngeal Muscles. It has already been pointed out that individual fibres of the nervessupplying the laryngeal muscles may be implicated either in the medulla,in the main trunks, or the so-called branches, but in addition to thes
Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration Stock Vector
RFR1T477–Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration
Nervous and mental diseases . Fig. 58.—Left abductor paraly-sis. Pbouation. Affected cord incadaveric position. Rigbt cordcrossing median line.. Fig. 60.—Bilateral tbyro-aryte-noid paralysis and paralysis of ary-tenoideus, giving an bour-glass open-ing. 142 DISEASES OF THE CRANIAL NERVES. In complete bilateral paralysis of the larynx, such as results frominjury to both recurrent nerves, the vocal cords occupy the cadavericposition, and are motionless. There is no voice, and coughing andsneezing are impossible. Deep inspiration develops stridor. If thecomplete paralysis is unilateral, the motio Stock Photo
RM2AWX778–Nervous and mental diseases . Fig. 58.—Left abductor paraly-sis. Pbouation. Affected cord incadaveric position. Rigbt cordcrossing median line.. Fig. 60.—Bilateral tbyro-aryte-noid paralysis and paralysis of ary-tenoideus, giving an bour-glass open-ing. 142 DISEASES OF THE CRANIAL NERVES. In complete bilateral paralysis of the larynx, such as results frominjury to both recurrent nerves, the vocal cords occupy the cadavericposition, and are motionless. There is no voice, and coughing andsneezing are impossible. Deep inspiration develops stridor. If thecomplete paralysis is unilateral, the motio
Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration Stock Vector
RFR1T47Y–Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration
Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares . Fig. 135.—Tumors on both vocal cords, producing Fig. 130.—Tumor on left vocal cord, produ- Badden death. cing sudden death. growth, also very red in color (Fig. 135). As the patient was suffering from alittle sore throat at the time, it was impossible to determine whether the color ofthe growths was simply due to temporary injection of their mucous covering, orwhether this was their ordinary aspect. An operation for removal of thesegrowths was u Stock Photo
RM2AXJCJ5–Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares . Fig. 135.—Tumors on both vocal cords, producing Fig. 130.—Tumor on left vocal cord, produ- Badden death. cing sudden death. growth, also very red in color (Fig. 135). As the patient was suffering from alittle sore throat at the time, it was impossible to determine whether the color ofthe growths was simply due to temporary injection of their mucous covering, orwhether this was their ordinary aspect. An operation for removal of thesegrowths was u
Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration Stock Vector
RFR1T479–Tonsils and throat diseases. Laryngitis symptoms, treatment icon set. Medical infographic design. Vector illustration
Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares . Fig. 1Q5.—Paralysis of left vocal cord in acase of phthisis. Appearance during respira-tion. Fig. 1%.—Paralysis of left vocal cord ina case of phthisis. Appearance during attemptat phonarion. 1961 but there is no approximation of the cords even thoughthe crossing takes place. The diagnosis of unilateral paralysis being made by laryn-goscopy inspection, it becomes necessary to make a thoroughexamination of the neck and chest, and interrogate othe Stock Photo
RM2AXHW8D–Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares . Fig. 1Q5.—Paralysis of left vocal cord in acase of phthisis. Appearance during respira-tion. Fig. 1%.—Paralysis of left vocal cord ina case of phthisis. Appearance during attemptat phonarion. 1961 but there is no approximation of the cords even thoughthe crossing takes place. The diagnosis of unilateral paralysis being made by laryn-goscopy inspection, it becomes necessary to make a thoroughexamination of the neck and chest, and interrogate othe
A manual of diseases of the throat and nose : including the pharynx, larynx, trachea, oesophagus, nose and naso-pharynx . greatest dan-gers of the disease. Sometimes the narrowing of the passage is causedby a web between the vocal cords (Fig. 73), and no less than six cases ofthis sequel of laryngeal syphilis have been reported by Dr. Elsberg,1 ofNew York. In these cases there is generally complete aphonia. Some-times the crico-arytenoid articulation is enlarged and the joint stiff, andthus the vocal cord may be permanently fixed in the median line, at theside of the larynx, or at some interme Stock Photo
RM2AKAM5T–A manual of diseases of the throat and nose : including the pharynx, larynx, trachea, oesophagus, nose and naso-pharynx . greatest dan-gers of the disease. Sometimes the narrowing of the passage is causedby a web between the vocal cords (Fig. 73), and no less than six cases ofthis sequel of laryngeal syphilis have been reported by Dr. Elsberg,1 ofNew York. In these cases there is generally complete aphonia. Some-times the crico-arytenoid articulation is enlarged and the joint stiff, andthus the vocal cord may be permanently fixed in the median line, at theside of the larynx, or at some interme
. A manual of diseases of the nose and throat. depithelium. Their surfaces are warty or cauliflower-like in appearance. They are usually attached by asomewhat broad base, but are also found as peduncu-lated masses having a small point of attachment. Theymay be either single or multiple. Their color is usuallya pale pink, although their free portion, if movable,may be a somewhat brighter red, as shown in Fig. 7,Plate VII.., where a broadly attached papilloma issituated at the junction of the anterior and middlethird of the left vocal cord, projecting across theglottis, with the free edge restin Stock Photo
RM2AGEBK6–. A manual of diseases of the nose and throat. depithelium. Their surfaces are warty or cauliflower-like in appearance. They are usually attached by asomewhat broad base, but are also found as peduncu-lated masses having a small point of attachment. Theymay be either single or multiple. Their color is usuallya pale pink, although their free portion, if movable,may be a somewhat brighter red, as shown in Fig. 7,Plate VII.., where a broadly attached papilloma issituated at the junction of the anterior and middlethird of the left vocal cord, projecting across theglottis, with the free edge restin
Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares . Fig. 154.—Laryngeal growths. Removed by Fig. 155.—Same case as Fig. 154, after removal evulsion and caustics. growths. evulsion, until, at the end of three weeks, it presented no appearance of morbidgrowth, though the left vocal cord had not become smooth (Fig. 155). Duringthe course of treatment it became apparent that the large growth was multiple,growing from the vocal cord as well as from the ventricle and ventricular band.The amount of tiss Stock Photo
RM2AXJ6H4–Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares . Fig. 154.—Laryngeal growths. Removed by Fig. 155.—Same case as Fig. 154, after removal evulsion and caustics. growths. evulsion, until, at the end of three weeks, it presented no appearance of morbidgrowth, though the left vocal cord had not become smooth (Fig. 155). Duringthe course of treatment it became apparent that the large growth was multiple,growing from the vocal cord as well as from the ventricle and ventricular band.The amount of tiss
A text-book on diseases of the ear, nose and throat . Right recurrent paralysis; i)osition of Bilateral recurrent laryngeal paralysis, cords in deep inspiration. Black perpen- (Porcher.) dicular indicates median line of rimaglottidi>. (Porcher.) Symptoms.—If the paralysis be confined to one side, the voice becomesat first weak and later hoarse, vocal range is limited, and conversationfatiguing. The affected cord is generally in the so-called cadavericposition,—that is, midway between adduction and abduction,—with con-cave edges. After a while the sound cord crosses the median li?ie tomeet i Stock Photo
RM2ANF962–A text-book on diseases of the ear, nose and throat . Right recurrent paralysis; i)osition of Bilateral recurrent laryngeal paralysis, cords in deep inspiration. Black perpen- (Porcher.) dicular indicates median line of rimaglottidi>. (Porcher.) Symptoms.—If the paralysis be confined to one side, the voice becomesat first weak and later hoarse, vocal range is limited, and conversationfatiguing. The affected cord is generally in the so-called cadavericposition,—that is, midway between adduction and abduction,—with con-cave edges. After a while the sound cord crosses the median li?ie tomeet i
A text-book on diseases of the ear, nose and throat . Mr^O^ ^ %. It ^ ^srJ >^ / ^....rl-* SYPHILIS AND LUPUS OF THE LARYNX. 645 baxiilli lias been demoustrated by Sasakawa. If this liai^peus in the skin,it is a justifiable assumption that like changes may occasionally takeplace in neighboring organs. The deep ulcer is not in itself immediatelydangerous ; it may exist for years Tvithout special annoyance, thoughLudwig Tiirck ^ has reported one case of tatal hemorrhage under thesecircumstances, the ulcer being situated on the vocal cord. Occasionallyglottic sx)asm or sudden oedema may superve Stock Photo
RM2ANFEM3–A text-book on diseases of the ear, nose and throat . Mr^O^ ^ %. It ^ ^srJ >^ / ^....rl-* SYPHILIS AND LUPUS OF THE LARYNX. 645 baxiilli lias been demoustrated by Sasakawa. If this liai^peus in the skin,it is a justifiable assumption that like changes may occasionally takeplace in neighboring organs. The deep ulcer is not in itself immediatelydangerous ; it may exist for years Tvithout special annoyance, thoughLudwig Tiirck ^ has reported one case of tatal hemorrhage under thesecircumstances, the ulcer being situated on the vocal cord. Occasionallyglottic sx)asm or sudden oedema may superve
Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares . —. irhelial growths on both vocal c Fig. 141.—Appearance of cord after destruction in a case of phthisis. of growths with chromic acid. gelatinous-looking mass was seen upon the right vocal cord, which, on probing,proved to be a morbid growth iFig. 139 . It was repeatedly cauterized with 552 AFFECTIONS OF THE LAKYXX AXD TRACHEA. fused nitrate of silver, two or three times a week, and in less than a month wascompletely removed by the treatment, t Stock Photo
RM2AXJAX1–Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares . —. irhelial growths on both vocal c Fig. 141.—Appearance of cord after destruction in a case of phthisis. of growths with chromic acid. gelatinous-looking mass was seen upon the right vocal cord, which, on probing,proved to be a morbid growth iFig. 139 . It was repeatedly cauterized with 552 AFFECTIONS OF THE LAKYXX AXD TRACHEA. fused nitrate of silver, two or three times a week, and in less than a month wascompletely removed by the treatment, t
. A manual of diseases of the nose and throat. wall ofthe larynx. Commencing ulceration at the most prominent part of thegrowth. Fig. 6. Tertiary syphilitic ulcer of the left ary-epiglottic fold and marginsof the vocal cords. The right ary-epiglottic fold is the seat of a gummathat has begun to soften. The under portion of the epiglottis on the leftside is superficially ulcerated from contact with the secretions of the ulceron the ary-epiglottic folds. Fig. 7. A papilloma attached by a broad base to the left vocal cord. Itextends across the glottis and rests upon the right vocal cord. Owing to Stock Photo
RM2AGEH57–. A manual of diseases of the nose and throat. wall ofthe larynx. Commencing ulceration at the most prominent part of thegrowth. Fig. 6. Tertiary syphilitic ulcer of the left ary-epiglottic fold and marginsof the vocal cords. The right ary-epiglottic fold is the seat of a gummathat has begun to soften. The under portion of the epiglottis on the leftside is superficially ulcerated from contact with the secretions of the ulceron the ary-epiglottic folds. Fig. 7. A papilloma attached by a broad base to the left vocal cord. Itextends across the glottis and rests upon the right vocal cord. Owing to
Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares . Fig. 151.—Pedunculated neo- Fig. 152.—Pedunculated fibre- Fig. 153.—Cyst of vocal cord, plasm on vocal cord, in a case ma beneath vocal cord. Re- Removed with forceps, of phthisis. moved with Fauvels forceps. A fibroid polyp (Fig. 152) was readily removed with Fauvels forceps frombeneath the left vocal cord of a lady of Philadelphia.1 A married lady, in Philadelphia, with prolonged hoarseness, incorrectly attrib-uted to phthisis, had a very smal Stock Photo
RM2AXJ726–Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares . Fig. 151.—Pedunculated neo- Fig. 152.—Pedunculated fibre- Fig. 153.—Cyst of vocal cord, plasm on vocal cord, in a case ma beneath vocal cord. Re- Removed with forceps, of phthisis. moved with Fauvels forceps. A fibroid polyp (Fig. 152) was readily removed with Fauvels forceps frombeneath the left vocal cord of a lady of Philadelphia.1 A married lady, in Philadelphia, with prolonged hoarseness, incorrectly attrib-uted to phthisis, had a very smal
A manual of diseases of the throat and nose : including the pharynx, larynx, trachea, oesophagus, nose and naso-pharynx . Fig. 22.—Diagram showing the Angles of Incidence aud Reflection in Ordinary, and Infra-glottic,.Laryngoscopy: A, side view of mirror, when properly introduced. It is seen to push back the uvula towardthe posterior nares. B, side view of infra-glottic mirror ; C, left vocal cord. should be previously enveloped in a small soft cloth or towel, and h&should be careful to keep his finger rather above the level of the teeth,in order that the frasnum may not be torn. The position Stock Photo
RM2AKBB21–A manual of diseases of the throat and nose : including the pharynx, larynx, trachea, oesophagus, nose and naso-pharynx . Fig. 22.—Diagram showing the Angles of Incidence aud Reflection in Ordinary, and Infra-glottic,.Laryngoscopy: A, side view of mirror, when properly introduced. It is seen to push back the uvula towardthe posterior nares. B, side view of infra-glottic mirror ; C, left vocal cord. should be previously enveloped in a small soft cloth or towel, and h&should be careful to keep his finger rather above the level of the teeth,in order that the frasnum may not be torn. The position
A manual of diseases of the throat and nose : including the pharynx, larynx, trachea, oesophagus, nose and naso-pharynx . F e. 1 Fig. 20.—Drawing showing the Relation of Parts in the Larynx (B), and the Laryngeal Mirror (A) : ac,interior commissure of the vocal cords ; pc, posterior commissure of the vocal cords; r, right vocal cord ;2, left vocal cord, with a wart on it. on the left vocal cord of the larynx (B); this is opposite the observersright hand, and it appears on the same side in the image (A). In conse-quence, however, of the antero-posterior inversion which takes place asexplained i Stock Photo
RM2AKBD8K–A manual of diseases of the throat and nose : including the pharynx, larynx, trachea, oesophagus, nose and naso-pharynx . F e. 1 Fig. 20.—Drawing showing the Relation of Parts in the Larynx (B), and the Laryngeal Mirror (A) : ac,interior commissure of the vocal cords ; pc, posterior commissure of the vocal cords; r, right vocal cord ;2, left vocal cord, with a wart on it. on the left vocal cord of the larynx (B); this is opposite the observersright hand, and it appears on the same side in the image (A). In conse-quence, however, of the antero-posterior inversion which takes place asexplained i
A system of surgery : theoretical and practical . The small escrescence situated on the right vocal cord (b) laight befalsely supposed to be on the left from the appearance presented inthe mirror (A). 660 DISEASES OF THE LARYNX. Fig. 148.. ge, Glosso-epiglottic folds ; w, uppersurface ; I, lip ; c, cushion of epiglot-tis ; V, ventricle of larynx; ree, ary-epiglottic fold ; cTF, cartilage ofWrisberg ; cS, capitulum Santorini;com, arytenoid commissure ; vc, vocalcord ; th, ventricular band ; py, pro-cessus vocaUs ; ci cricoid cartilage;?, rings of trachea. sively brought into view; the base of Stock Photo
RM2AWK0KD–A system of surgery : theoretical and practical . The small escrescence situated on the right vocal cord (b) laight befalsely supposed to be on the left from the appearance presented inthe mirror (A). 660 DISEASES OF THE LARYNX. Fig. 148.. ge, Glosso-epiglottic folds ; w, uppersurface ; I, lip ; c, cushion of epiglot-tis ; V, ventricle of larynx; ree, ary-epiglottic fold ; cTF, cartilage ofWrisberg ; cS, capitulum Santorini;com, arytenoid commissure ; vc, vocalcord ; th, ventricular band ; py, pro-cessus vocaUs ; ci cricoid cartilage;?, rings of trachea. sively brought into view; the base of
. Diseases of the nose and throat . Fig. 59.— Complete paralysis of the left recurrent nerve as seen in thelaryngoscope during inspiration. of this aneurism is sometimes left-sided paralysis of thelarynx. If the inhibition of the nerve is complete the vocal cordon that side will be seen in the laryngeal mirror to be im- 288 DISEASES OF THE NOSE AND THROAT movable between abduction and adduction, somewhatbowed and apparently shorter than the normal cord, andoften with the arytenoid of the affected side droopingforward. This position of the cord is called the cadavericposition. If one side only Stock Photo
RM2CHHBY7–. Diseases of the nose and throat . Fig. 59.— Complete paralysis of the left recurrent nerve as seen in thelaryngoscope during inspiration. of this aneurism is sometimes left-sided paralysis of thelarynx. If the inhibition of the nerve is complete the vocal cordon that side will be seen in the laryngeal mirror to be im- 288 DISEASES OF THE NOSE AND THROAT movable between abduction and adduction, somewhatbowed and apparently shorter than the normal cord, andoften with the arytenoid of the affected side droopingforward. This position of the cord is called the cadavericposition. If one side only
. Diseases of the nose and throat . respiration and phonation. In certain cases deglutitionmay be affected, but only when the growth within the larynx is large,,or else, as in lipoma, when the oesophagus or hyoid is intruded upon.Cough is also present in many of the cases. In papillomatous disease the voice is usually severely affected, as-the neoplasm is located on the margin of the cord. When the papillo- NON-MALIGNANT TUMORS. 431 mata are numerous, the voice may be completely aphonic and therespiration interfered with. When the growth is situated entirely free from the vocal cords,the voice Stock Photo
RM2CRRB4A–. Diseases of the nose and throat . respiration and phonation. In certain cases deglutitionmay be affected, but only when the growth within the larynx is large,,or else, as in lipoma, when the oesophagus or hyoid is intruded upon.Cough is also present in many of the cases. In papillomatous disease the voice is usually severely affected, as-the neoplasm is located on the margin of the cord. When the papillo- NON-MALIGNANT TUMORS. 431 mata are numerous, the voice may be completely aphonic and therespiration interfered with. When the growth is situated entirely free from the vocal cords,the voice
. Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares . ell, that, looking down upon the parts, these structures can be seen without the aidof any mechanical appliance whatever;and a few cases are on record in whichby such voluntary effort of the patienta view has been obtained of the interiorof the larynx down to the vocal cordsTobold mentions one1 in which he wasable to see the action of the lips of theglottis in this manner, and also to recog-nize a papilloma upon the left vocal cord.Dr. Tobold Stock Photo
RM2CDFAWK–. Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares . ell, that, looking down upon the parts, these structures can be seen without the aidof any mechanical appliance whatever;and a few cases are on record in whichby such voluntary effort of the patienta view has been obtained of the interiorof the larynx down to the vocal cordsTobold mentions one1 in which he wasable to see the action of the lips of theglottis in this manner, and also to recog-nize a papilloma upon the left vocal cord.Dr. Tobold
. Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares . constitutes thevibrating medium of the voice. The vocal cord, at least its lower surface, is an extension inward of the vocalmembrane, or the middle crico-thyroid ligament. Each cord consists of a com-pact band of parallel fibres of the thyro-arytenoid muscle, and of elastic andfibrous tissue, arranged in prismatic form, the base presenting outward, so thata vertical section shows the upper surface horizontal, and the lower surfacetaking an ob Stock Photo
RM2CDD4H8–. Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares . constitutes thevibrating medium of the voice. The vocal cord, at least its lower surface, is an extension inward of the vocalmembrane, or the middle crico-thyroid ligament. Each cord consists of a com-pact band of parallel fibres of the thyro-arytenoid muscle, and of elastic andfibrous tissue, arranged in prismatic form, the base presenting outward, so thata vertical section shows the upper surface horizontal, and the lower surfacetaking an ob
. Diseases of the nose and throat . le band at its anterior extremity. This splitsup into three bands as it extends backward. The first is inserted intothe vocal process of the arytenoid, the second is inserted into the ante-rior face of the same cartilage as high up as the ventricular band, andthe third is inserted into the cricoarytenoid capsular ligament. Across-section of the vocal cord shows that it is triangular, the apex, or 334 DISEASES OF THE LARYNX. •border-line, being turned toward its fellow of the opposite side (Fig.102). In the adult male the vocal cord has an average length of 2 Stock Photo
RM2CRRCDE–. Diseases of the nose and throat . le band at its anterior extremity. This splitsup into three bands as it extends backward. The first is inserted intothe vocal process of the arytenoid, the second is inserted into the ante-rior face of the same cartilage as high up as the ventricular band, andthe third is inserted into the cricoarytenoid capsular ligament. Across-section of the vocal cord shows that it is triangular, the apex, or 334 DISEASES OF THE LARYNX. •border-line, being turned toward its fellow of the opposite side (Fig.102). In the adult male the vocal cord has an average length of 2
. Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares . ortion of the vocal cord can be seen toglisten distinctly through the translucentmucous membrane. a The ventricular bands are not merelyduplicatures of mucous, or of mucous andelastic tissue, but they are composed in partof ligamentous tissue (superior thyro-aryte-noid ligament), and some muscular fibrealso. They come in contact in deglutitionjust before the epiglottis comes down onthe larynx, and approximate likewise in fig. ye.-The ventricul Stock Photo
RM2CDD5TG–. Diseases of the throat and nasal passages; a guide to the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the pharynx, sophagus, trachea, larynx, and nares . ortion of the vocal cord can be seen toglisten distinctly through the translucentmucous membrane. a The ventricular bands are not merelyduplicatures of mucous, or of mucous andelastic tissue, but they are composed in partof ligamentous tissue (superior thyro-aryte-noid ligament), and some muscular fibrealso. They come in contact in deglutitionjust before the epiglottis comes down onthe larynx, and approximate likewise in fig. ye.-The ventricul
. Diseases of the nose and throat . Fig. 6i.—Polyp of the vocal cord. Treatment consists in cocainizing the larynx and seizingand removing the growth with forceps. Fibroma is similar in size and shape to a polyp, but muchless common. It is hard, and may be so firmly attachedthat a cutting instrument is necessary to remove it. 295 296 DISEASES OF THE NOSE AND THROAT PAPILLOMA OF THE LARYNX In childhood typical papilloma occurs in the larynx as amultiple growth resembling cauliflower in appearance, at-tached by slender pedicles to the mucous membrance inthe neighborhood of the anterior commissur Stock Photo
RM2CHGTJR–. Diseases of the nose and throat . Fig. 6i.—Polyp of the vocal cord. Treatment consists in cocainizing the larynx and seizingand removing the growth with forceps. Fibroma is similar in size and shape to a polyp, but muchless common. It is hard, and may be so firmly attachedthat a cutting instrument is necessary to remove it. 295 296 DISEASES OF THE NOSE AND THROAT PAPILLOMA OF THE LARYNX In childhood typical papilloma occurs in the larynx as amultiple growth resembling cauliflower in appearance, at-tached by slender pedicles to the mucous membrance inthe neighborhood of the anterior commissur
. Diseases of the nose and throat . Fig. 132.—Chondroma of the epiglottis. (After Bos-worth.). Fig. 133.—Angioma of the leftaryepiglottic fold. (After Bos-worth.) as follow: A papilloma is soft and movable by inspiration and expira-tion. When single, it is a gray or pink, and, as a rule, situated uponthe anterior half of the vocal cord. It is usually sessile, although thebase is not very broad. When multiple, as in children, the little, softmasses may have a brighter hue. and the whole length of the cordsmay be studded with them. I have seen the latter condition in a girlof eighteen years. A f Stock Photo
RM2CRRB6B–. Diseases of the nose and throat . Fig. 132.—Chondroma of the epiglottis. (After Bos-worth.). Fig. 133.—Angioma of the leftaryepiglottic fold. (After Bos-worth.) as follow: A papilloma is soft and movable by inspiration and expira-tion. When single, it is a gray or pink, and, as a rule, situated uponthe anterior half of the vocal cord. It is usually sessile, although thebase is not very broad. When multiple, as in children, the little, softmasses may have a brighter hue. and the whole length of the cordsmay be studded with them. I have seen the latter condition in a girlof eighteen years. A f
. Diseases of the nose and throat . Fig. 129.—Papilloma of cord Fig. 130.—Same during pho-, during respiration. nation. Patient male, aged 55. Entirely removed by local application ofastringents. Under treatment one year. No recurrence. (Authors case.) frequently during childhood and mature years. Their site is usuallythe vocal cords, and they may be single or multiple. They differ incolor also, from pink or light red to gray. In early life they are ordi-narily of a bright-reddish color, and may exist in large numbers. Al-though usually sessile, with a warty appearance, they are sometimespedun Stock Photo
RM2CRRB54–. Diseases of the nose and throat . Fig. 129.—Papilloma of cord Fig. 130.—Same during pho-, during respiration. nation. Patient male, aged 55. Entirely removed by local application ofastringents. Under treatment one year. No recurrence. (Authors case.) frequently during childhood and mature years. Their site is usuallythe vocal cords, and they may be single or multiple. They differ incolor also, from pink or light red to gray. In early life they are ordi-narily of a bright-reddish color, and may exist in large numbers. Al-though usually sessile, with a warty appearance, they are sometimespedun
. Diseases of the nose and throat . of epiglottis from syphilitic ulceration 415 127. Cicatricial stenosis of larynx, the result of syphilitic ulceration. . 416 128. Lennox Brownes hollow laryngeal dilator with cutting-blade 419 129. Papilloma of cord during respiration 429 XX LIST OF ILLUSTBATIONS. FIG. PAGE 130. Same during phonation 429 131. Fibroma situated beneath the right vocal cord 430 132. Chondroma of the epiglottis 431 133. Angioma of the left aryepiglottic fold 431 134. Extirpation instruments 433 135. Sarcoma of the larynx, as seen from behind 436 136. Tooth-plate in glottis 442 1 Stock Photo
RM2CRRJ81–. Diseases of the nose and throat . of epiglottis from syphilitic ulceration 415 127. Cicatricial stenosis of larynx, the result of syphilitic ulceration. . 416 128. Lennox Brownes hollow laryngeal dilator with cutting-blade 419 129. Papilloma of cord during respiration 429 XX LIST OF ILLUSTBATIONS. FIG. PAGE 130. Same during phonation 429 131. Fibroma situated beneath the right vocal cord 430 132. Chondroma of the epiglottis 431 133. Angioma of the left aryepiglottic fold 431 134. Extirpation instruments 433 135. Sarcoma of the larynx, as seen from behind 436 136. Tooth-plate in glottis 442 1
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