The anatomist's vade mecum : a system of human anatomy . le by the projection of the odontoid process.6. Lateral and capsular ligament of the occipito-atloid articulation. 7. Cap-sular ligament between the articulating processes of the atlas and axis. 134 LIGAMENTS OP THE VERTEBRAL C0LU5[N. 4. Articulation of the Atlas with the Axis.—The ligaments of thisarticulation ^x^five in number,— Anterior atlo-axoid, Two capsular. Posterior atlo-axoid, Transverse. The anterior ligament consists of ligamentous fibres, which passfrom the anterior tubercle and arch of the atlas to the base of theodontoid p

The anatomist's vade mecum : a system of human anatomy . le by the projection of the odontoid process.6. Lateral and capsular ligament of the occipito-atloid articulation. 7. Cap-sular ligament between the articulating processes of the atlas and axis. 134 LIGAMENTS OP THE VERTEBRAL C0LU5[N. 4. Articulation of the Atlas with the Axis.—The ligaments of thisarticulation ^x^five in number,— Anterior atlo-axoid, Two capsular. Posterior atlo-axoid, Transverse. The anterior ligament consists of ligamentous fibres, which passfrom the anterior tubercle and arch of the atlas to the base of theodontoid p Stock Photo

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The anatomist's vade mecum : a system of human anatomy . le by the projection of the odontoid process.6. Lateral and capsular ligament of the occipito-atloid articulation. 7. Cap-sular ligament between the articulating processes of the atlas and axis. 134 LIGAMENTS OP THE VERTEBRAL C0LU5[N. 4. Articulation of the Atlas with the Axis.—The ligaments of thisarticulation ^x^five in number, — Anterior atlo-axoid, Two capsular. Posterior atlo-axoid, Transverse. The anterior ligament consists of ligamentous fibres, which passfrom the anterior tubercle and arch of the atlas to the base of theodontoid process and body of the axis, where they are continuous withthe commencemeut of the anterior common ligament. The posterior ligament is a thin and membranous layer, passingbetween the posterior arch of the atlas and the laminse of the axis. The capsular ligaments surround the articular processes of the atlasand axis ; they are loose, to permit of the freedom of movement whichsubsists between these vertebrse. The ligamentous fibres are most Fis. 58.*. numerous on the outer and anterior part of the articulation, and thesynovial membrane usually communicates with the synovial cavitysituated between the transverse ligament and the odontoid process. The transverse ligament is a strong ligamentous band, wliich archesacross the area of the ring of the atlas from a rough tubercle upon theinner sm-face of one articular process to a similar tubercle on the other.It serves to retain the odontoid process of the axis, in connection withthe anterior arch of the atlas. As it crosses the odontoid process, * A posterior view of the ligaments connecting the atlas, the axis, and theoccipital bone. The posterior part of the occipital bone has been sawn away, and the arches of the atlas and axis removed. 1. The superior part of the occi-pito-axoid ligament, which has been cut away in order to show the ligamentsbeneath. 2. The transverse ligament of the atlas. 3, 4. The ascending anddescending sli