Munsterland, Germany. 20th June, 2020. Two of the many foals this year. The 400 strong herd of the famous 'Dülmen wild horses', an ancient breed first mentioned in 1316 which now lives in a semi-wild nature reserve setting including moors, grass and woodland, enjoy spending time in the sunshine. Credit: Imageplotter/Alamy Live News Stock Photo
RM2C3J7NTMunsterland, Germany. 20th June, 2020. Two of the many foals this year. The 400 strong herd of the famous 'Dülmen wild horses', an ancient breed first mentioned in 1316 which now lives in a semi-wild nature reserve setting including moors, grass and woodland, enjoy spending time in the sunshine. Credit: Imageplotter/Alamy Live News
Scottish breed Shetland Ponies; Farm animals in cold weather Preston, Lancashire,  First frosty autumn morning of the year to endure for these “good doers', who need relatively little food to live on.  Shetland pony, from the Shetland Isles off the northern tip of Scotland.  Mountain and moorland ponies form a group of several breeds of stocky ponies and small horses native to the British Isles.  Many of these breeds are derived from semi-feral ponies kept on moorland or heathland in UK Stock Photo
RMEBMMNCScottish breed Shetland Ponies; Farm animals in cold weather Preston, Lancashire, First frosty autumn morning of the year to endure for these “good doers', who need relatively little food to live on. Shetland pony, from the Shetland Isles off the northern tip of Scotland. Mountain and moorland ponies form a group of several breeds of stocky ponies and small horses native to the British Isles. Many of these breeds are derived from semi-feral ponies kept on moorland or heathland in UK
Beautiful horse isabella walk and dig with hoof in wet snow. Meadow with horses cover first snow. Stock Photo
RFRB201BBeautiful horse isabella walk and dig with hoof in wet snow. Meadow with horses cover first snow.
One day old purebred chestnut foal playing first time in the green Stock Photo
RFT59YT4One day old purebred chestnut foal playing first time in the green
Report of the exploring expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the year 1842, and to Oregon and north California in the years 1843-44 . y moderate current. The adjoining prairies are sandy, but the immediate river bottom is agood soil, which afforded an abundance of soft green grass to our horses,and where I found a variety of interesting plants, which made their ap-pearance for the first time. A rain to-night made it unpleasantly cold:and there was no tree here, to enable us to pitch our single tent, the polesof which had been left at Cache camp. We had, therefore, no shelterexcept what was to Stock Photo
RM2AJ5BXHReport of the exploring expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the year 1842, and to Oregon and north California in the years 1843-44 . y moderate current. The adjoining prairies are sandy, but the immediate river bottom is agood soil, which afforded an abundance of soft green grass to our horses,and where I found a variety of interesting plants, which made their ap-pearance for the first time. A rain to-night made it unpleasantly cold:and there was no tree here, to enable us to pitch our single tent, the polesof which had been left at Cache camp. We had, therefore, no shelterexcept what was to
Scottish breed Shetland Ponies; Farm animals in cold weather Preston, Lancashire,  First frosty autumn morning of the year to endure for these “good doers', who need relatively little food to live on.  Shetland pony, from the Shetland Isles off the northern tip of Scotland.  Mountain and moorland ponies form a group of several breeds of stocky ponies and small horses native to the British Isles.  Many of these breeds are derived from semi-feral ponies kept on moorland or heathland in UK Stock Photo
RMEBMMNMScottish breed Shetland Ponies; Farm animals in cold weather Preston, Lancashire, First frosty autumn morning of the year to endure for these “good doers', who need relatively little food to live on. Shetland pony, from the Shetland Isles off the northern tip of Scotland. Mountain and moorland ponies form a group of several breeds of stocky ponies and small horses native to the British Isles. Many of these breeds are derived from semi-feral ponies kept on moorland or heathland in UK
Beautiful horse isabella walk and dig with hoof in wet snow. Meadow with horses cover first snow. Stock Photo
RFRBKKF8Beautiful horse isabella walk and dig with hoof in wet snow. Meadow with horses cover first snow.
One day old purebred chestnut foal playing first time in the green Stock Photo
RFT59YW6One day old purebred chestnut foal playing first time in the green
Breeder and sportsman . urchase transports and horses foruse in the South African war. This means that theBritishers will continue buying horses in America, andif the Boers manage to hold out a year or two longer(and they seem to be doing pretty well just now) theprices of horses in this country will go still higher. Castleton, the banner farm in the celebrated bluegrass district of Kentucy, is for sale. It contains 617acres, all in grass, has first-class improvements, and isin the neighborhood of the celebrated Walnut HallFarm, where so many champion trotters are beingbred, and also close to Stock Photo
RM2AJ44DYBreeder and sportsman . urchase transports and horses foruse in the South African war. This means that theBritishers will continue buying horses in America, andif the Boers manage to hold out a year or two longer(and they seem to be doing pretty well just now) theprices of horses in this country will go still higher. Castleton, the banner farm in the celebrated bluegrass district of Kentucy, is for sale. It contains 617acres, all in grass, has first-class improvements, and isin the neighborhood of the celebrated Walnut HallFarm, where so many champion trotters are beingbred, and also close to
Scottish breed Shetland Ponies; Farm animals in cold weather Preston, Lancashire,  First frosty autumn morning of the year to endure for these “good doers', who need relatively little food to live on.  Shetland pony, from the Shetland Isles off the northern tip of Scotland.  Mountain and moorland ponies form a group of several breeds of stocky ponies and small horses native to the British Isles.  Many of these breeds are derived from semi-feral ponies kept on moorland or heathland in UK Stock Photo
RMEBMMNGScottish breed Shetland Ponies; Farm animals in cold weather Preston, Lancashire, First frosty autumn morning of the year to endure for these “good doers', who need relatively little food to live on. Shetland pony, from the Shetland Isles off the northern tip of Scotland. Mountain and moorland ponies form a group of several breeds of stocky ponies and small horses native to the British Isles. Many of these breeds are derived from semi-feral ponies kept on moorland or heathland in UK
One day old purebred chestnut foal playing first time in the green Stock Photo
RFT59YTWOne day old purebred chestnut foal playing first time in the green
. Riding and driving. where he will find the estab-lishment of the Gay Brothers, the largest farmdevoted to the rearing of saddle-horses in thiscountry. Here about three hundred choice ani-mals have the freedom of nearly one thousandacres of blue-grass pasture. At the head of thestud is Highland Denmark, a true type of hisfamily, the sire of more prize winners and finefoals than any stallion in the state. At the Louis-ville Horse Show, in 1903, the descendants ofthis horse gained first honors in the classes fortwo-year-olds, for three-year-olds, for four-year-olds, for the best registered sadd Stock Photo
RM2AFN69C. Riding and driving. where he will find the estab-lishment of the Gay Brothers, the largest farmdevoted to the rearing of saddle-horses in thiscountry. Here about three hundred choice ani-mals have the freedom of nearly one thousandacres of blue-grass pasture. At the head of thestud is Highland Denmark, a true type of hisfamily, the sire of more prize winners and finefoals than any stallion in the state. At the Louis-ville Horse Show, in 1903, the descendants ofthis horse gained first honors in the classes fortwo-year-olds, for three-year-olds, for four-year-olds, for the best registered sadd