Frequently asked questions
How do I find the perfect content for my project?
What is the difference between Commercial and Editorial use?
Can you explain your content collection at Alamy?
How is an Alamy content in the public domain?
What does Alamy think about AI image generation technology?
How can I stay updated on Alamy's latest news and updates?
Are there any restrictions on how I can use the images and videos I license from Alamy?
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We get lots of emails from our contributors and we normally get back with a response within 48 hours, which means that before writing in, you may find it quicker to find your answer here. If you’ve already emailed us, please check our FAQs below – if your answer is found in the questions and links below, we won’t bother you with a response and we’ll assume you’ve got the information you need. If your question isn’t answered here, or you can’t find the information you need below, please email us and we’ll be sure to get back to you.
Frequently asked questions
Where do I sign up to sell my images?
What can I send?
What can’t I send?
How and when will I be paid?
I’ve seen one of my images used but there’s no evidence of a license or sale in my account (there has been a copyright infringement on an image usage)?
Why have I failed QC?
How do I upload Live News images?
My images have passed QC but they are showing as ‘Not on Sale’?
Why are my images taking so long to pass QC?