fine arts religious art Jesus Christ passion falling under the cross sculpture wood painted unknown artist Breton circ
![fine arts religious art Jesus Christ passion falling under the cross sculpture wood painted unknown artist Breton circ Stock Photo](
Image details
INTERFOTO / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
A3YY9PFile size:
52.7 MB (2.4 MB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
4302 x 4280 px | 36.4 x 36.2 cm | 14.3 x 14.3 inches | 300dpiDate taken:
7 November 2006Photographer:
INTERFOTOMore information:
fine arts religious art Jesus Christ passion falling under the cross sculpture wood painted unknown artist Breton circa 1600 museum Quimper France Europe 17th century Brittany Bretagne sculptures carving religion christianity way of the cross crucifixion carrying suffering Ü Kunst Sakralkunst Jesus Christus Passion unter dem Kreuz fallend Plastik Holz bemalt unbekannter Künstler bretonisch um 1600 Museum Quimper Frankreich Europa 17 Jahrhundert Bretagne Skulptur Skulpturen Schnitzerei Religion Christentum Leidensweg Kreuzigung Kreuztragung tragend Leiden