KENYA Turkana, Lodwar, small supermarket selling food items and other goods for the daily demand / KENIA, kleiner Supermarkt, Kasse
![KENYA Turkana, Lodwar, small supermarket selling food items and other goods for the daily demand / KENIA, kleiner Supermarkt, Kasse Stock Photo](
Image details
Joerg Boethling / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
HMNE54File size:
35.3 MB (1.9 MB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
4300 x 2867 px | 36.4 x 24.3 cm | 14.3 x 9.6 inches | 300dpiDate taken:
14 February 2016Location:
Africa, East Africa, KENYA, Turkana, LodwarMore information:
This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage.