M3 Archeopark - Cumanian hillock inside

360 degree panoramic view of M3 Archeopark - Cumanian hillock inside

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360Cities.net / Alamy Stock Photo

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7200 x 3600 px | 61 x 30.5 cm | 24 x 12 inches | 300dpi


Tibor Illes

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The Cumanian hillock is the central exhibition place of the park. Here the roads, the natural environment, and we may see the encounter of the archaeological past. We may see the pot pieces found in the course of the motorway construction, a copper age burial heap here, and we may recognise the living world of these heaps.A burial form of three kinds existed: shrunk posture (their hand, their foot were joined and they were winded up. The dead persons put their devices of use beside it generally) laterally position burial frog (the dead person was buried with a knee pulled up, which one the buried land squashed.)Layered burial was typical, the Cumanian hillock took shape as the result of this. M3 Archeopark M3 ARCHEOPARK was opened to the public on 01 May 2007. Established in a nearly 5 hectare area, the leisure time park offers an insight into the history of the region, the objects used here, as well as its folk culture. Apart from a burial hillock and the reconstructed structures of Csörsz Ditch, visitors can see a house from the New Stone Age that is unique in Europe. With the help of archeological–scientific multimedia materials, interested guests can get acquainted with the unmatched flora and fauna the North Great Plain Region, the indigenous animals of the grassland, ethnographic characteristics, the cultural heritage of the region, values of cultural history, and can view the authentic copies of the archeological findings excavated during the motorway construction works.