A camouflage field tunic of the Waffen-SS M 44 early production series in smooth material Captureded sand-coloured Italian cloth, one side imprinted in pea pattern camouflage with sand-coloured painted glass buttons, without loops for shoulder boards. Unlined, the reinforcement and loops for the belt carry hooks (two belt holes) of sand-coloured cotton material, the pocket reinforcements of herringbone imprinted in pea pattern camouflage, the shoulder area with SS-BW and size stampings. Unused, with light storage marks. Rarer than the later drill cloth issue. historic, hist, Editorial-Use-Only

A camouflage field tunic of the Waffen-SS M 44 early production series in smooth material Captureded sand-coloured Italian cloth, one side imprinted in pea pattern camouflage with sand-coloured painted glass buttons, without loops for shoulder boards. Unlined, the reinforcement and loops for the belt carry hooks (two belt holes) of sand-coloured cotton material, the pocket reinforcements of herringbone imprinted in pea pattern camouflage, the shoulder area with SS-BW and size stampings. Unused, with light storage marks. Rarer than the later drill cloth issue. historic, hist, Editorial-Use-Only Stock Photo

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INTERFOTO  / Alamy Stock Photo

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File size:

45 MB (2 MB Compressed download)


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3375 x 4656 px | 28.6 x 39.4 cm | 11.3 x 15.5 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

17 July 2013



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Available for Editorial use only.