A monk with money bags. On his chest a sign bearing the text 'Le Pere Sacristain'. The print is part of a series with caricatures of the French clergy under Louis XIV, Greed l'Avarice Caricatures on the French clergy under Louis XIV, (A) Renversement de la Morale Chr, print maker: Jacob Gole, Cornelis Dusart, 1670 - 1724 and/or 1693 - 1700, paper, engraving, h 115 mm × w 90 mm

A monk with money bags. On his chest a sign bearing the text 'Le Pere Sacristain'. The print is part of a series with caricatures of the French clergy under Louis XIV, Greed l'Avarice Caricatures on the French clergy under Louis XIV, (A) Renversement de la Morale Chr, print maker: Jacob Gole, Cornelis Dusart, 1670 - 1724 and/or 1693 - 1700, paper, engraving, h 115 mm × w 90 mm Stock Photo

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Penta Springs Limited / Alamy Stock Photo

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41.9 MB (2.6 MB Compressed download)


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3842 x 3811 px | 32.5 x 32.3 cm | 12.8 x 12.7 inches | 300dpi


Penta Springs

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This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage.