A Roman fresco, discovered in Pompeii, depicits a woman seated on a bronze chair, with a back, playing a Greek musical instrument called a Kithara. Chairs with a back for the Romans was a symbol of dignity or respect, reserved for high officials or woman of rank (the ceremonial use of thrones a vestige of this tradition) such as the woman in this fresco. Dated 50 B.C.

A Roman fresco, discovered in Pompeii, depicits a woman seated on a bronze chair, with a back, playing a Greek musical instrument called a Kithara. Chairs with a back for the Romans was a symbol of dignity or respect, reserved for high officials or woman of rank (the ceremonial use of thrones a vestige of this tradition) such as the woman in this fresco. Dated 50 B.C. Stock Photo

Image details


World History Archive / Alamy Stock Photo

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File size:

60 MB (3.1 MB Compressed download)


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4242 x 4944 px | 35.9 x 41.9 cm | 14.1 x 16.5 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

19 October 1904



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This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage.

A Roman fresco, discovered in Pompeii, depicits a woman seated on a bronze chair, with a back, playing a Greek musical instrument called a Kithara. Chairs with a back for the Romans was a symbol of dignity or respect, reserved for high officials or woman of rank (the ceremonial use of thrones a vestige of this tradition) such as the woman in this fresco. Dated 50 B.C.