Alblasserwaard Netherlands farm house garden
Image details
Peter Horree / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
AT54NCFile size:
52.6 MB (2.7 MB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
4574 x 4022 px | 38.7 x 34.1 cm | 15.2 x 13.4 inches | 300dpiLocation:
The NetherlandsNetherlands Northwest Europe, also called Holland, Netherlands means low-lying land,More information:
Netherlands Northwest Europe, also called Holland, Netherlands means low-lying land, Holland (van Houtland, or "Forest Land") originally given to one of the medieval cores of what later became the modern state, A parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarch, The capital is Amsterdam and the seat of government is The Hague