Allegory on the Abdication of Emperor Charles V in Brussels. Frans Francken II (1581-1642) oil on panel, (c 1630-1640) Charles V is enthroned at centre. Battle weary and wracked by illness, in 1555 he divided up his empire. He gave his brother Ferdinand (left of the throne) the Holy Roman Empire, while his son Phillip (at the right) became King of Spain and Lord of the Netherlands. The four figures in the right foreground personify the continents over which Charles's vast empire stretched. Neptune (left) symbolized his power at sea.

Allegory on the Abdication of Emperor Charles V in Brussels. Frans Francken II (1581-1642) oil on panel, (c 1630-1640) Charles V is enthroned at centre. Battle weary and wracked by illness, in 1555 he divided up his empire. He gave his brother Ferdinand (left of the throne) the Holy Roman Empire, while his son Phillip (at the right) became King of Spain and Lord of the Netherlands. The four figures in the right foreground personify the continents over which Charles's vast empire stretched. Neptune (left) symbolized his power at sea. Stock Photo

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World History Archive / Alamy Stock Photo

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60 MB (2.4 MB Compressed download)


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5198 x 4035 px | 44 x 34.2 cm | 17.3 x 13.5 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

19 October 1904

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This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage.

Allegory on the Abdication of Emperor Charles V in Brussels. Frans Francken II (1581-1642) oil on panel, (c 1630-1640) Charles V is enthroned at centre. Battle weary and wracked by illness, in 1555 he divided up his empire. He gave his brother Ferdinand (left of the throne) the Holy Roman Empire, while his son Phillip (at the right) became King of Spain and Lord of the Netherlands. The four figures in the right foreground personify the continents over which Charles's vast empire stretched. Neptune (left) symbolized his power at sea.