American cavalry charge covering retreat at the Battle of Hobkirk's Hill, Revolutionary War, 1781. Hand-colored halftone of an F.C. Yohn illustration

American cavalry charge covering retreat at the Battle of Hobkirk's Hill, Revolutionary War, 1781. Hand-colored halftone of an F.C. Yohn illustration Stock Photo

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North Wind Picture Archives / Alamy Stock Photo

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51.6 MB (6.4 MB Compressed download)


Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?


5219 x 3455 px | 44.2 x 29.3 cm | 17.4 x 11.5 inches | 300dpi

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This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage.

Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century F.C. Yohn illustration