. An atlas of human anatomy for students and physicians. Anatomy. 284 THE MUSCLES OF THE TRUNK Spinous process Processus spinosus Transverse process Processus transversus I Deep dorsal muscular layer of the trunk . Superficial dorsal muscular layer of the trunk Posterior primary division of spinal nerve Ramus posterior nervi spinalis Anterior primary division of spinal nerve Ramus anterior nervi spinalis Ventral (subcostal) ,.. muscular layer of the trunk Kib .. Costa. ..Ventral (intercostal) - muscular layer of the trunk Muscular layer belonging to the extremities (or appendicular layer) Skin

. An atlas of human anatomy for students and physicians. Anatomy. 284 THE MUSCLES OF THE TRUNK Spinous process Processus spinosus Transverse process Processus transversus I Deep dorsal muscular layer of the trunk . Superficial dorsal muscular layer of the trunk Posterior primary division of spinal nerve Ramus posterior nervi spinalis Anterior primary division of spinal nerve Ramus anterior nervi spinalis Ventral (subcostal) ,.. muscular layer of the trunk Kib .. Costa. ..Ventral (intercostal) - muscular layer of the trunk Muscular layer belonging to the extremities (or appendicular layer) Skin Stock Photo

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. An atlas of human anatomy for students and physicians. Anatomy. 284 THE MUSCLES OF THE TRUNK Spinous process Processus spinosus Transverse process Processus transversus I Deep dorsal muscular layer of the trunk . Superficial dorsal muscular layer of the trunk Posterior primary division of spinal nerve Ramus posterior nervi spinalis Anterior primary division of spinal nerve Ramus anterior nervi spinalis Ventral (subcostal) , .. muscular layer of the trunk Kib .. Costa. ..Ventral (intercostal) - muscular layer of the trunk Muscular layer belonging to the extremities (or appendicular layer) Skin Integumentum commune Ventral (subcostal) muscular layer of the trunk Fig. 525.—Diagrammatic Representation of the Muscles of the Trunk and of the Distribution of the Segmental Nerves by which they are supplied, shown in a Thoracic Segment. NOTE. A brief explanation of this diagram seems needful, in the interest of students who have not made a special study of comparative anatomy. The muscles are grouped, first of all, into dorsal and ventral, the former being supplied by the posterior and the latter by the anterior primary divisions, respectively, of the spinal nerves. The dorsal muscles form the great mass lying chiefly in the hollow between the spinous processes and the angles of the ribs. They are classed in two groups—superficial and deep. These need not be further considered. The ventral muscles are shown to be arranged in three layers. In the abdominal region these are represented by three actual muscles, to name them from within outwards : the transversalis, the internal oblique, and the external oblique. Continuous with the deepest of these, the transversalis, for the purposes of this classification, are the triangularis sterni, the subcostals, the sternal and costal portions of the diaphragm and part of the levator ani —these form the s^tbcastal layer. Continuous with the internal oblique are the iuter- costals, the posterior serrati, the scalene muscles, and