An oval sign on a wall in the City of London identifying "The Ward of Bread Street". The Ward of Bread Street is one of 25 wards in the city of Londo

An oval sign on a wall in the City of London identifying "The Ward of Bread Street". The Ward of Bread Street is one of  25 wards in the city of Londo Stock Photo

Image details


Andy Soloman / Alamy Stock Photo

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File size:

60.3 MB (3.3 MB Compressed download)


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5403 x 3903 px | 45.7 x 33 cm | 18 x 13 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

22 May 2023


London, UK

More information:

An oval sign on a wall in the City of London identifying "The Ward of Bread Street". The Ward of Bread Street is one of 25 wards in the city of London and takes its name from the ancient bread market in the city.