Apr. 04, 1964 - Nigerian Boy goes to Eton: 13-year-old Tokunbo Akintola, son of the Premier of Western Nigeria, went to Britain's top school, Eton College, the first African boy to be adnitted there. Photo Shows Leaving the Kensington Palace Gardens of the Agent General for Western Nigeria (left to right) the Agent General, Prince D. Ade Odubanjo, Mrs. Akintola, her daughter Abimbola, Tokunbo and his brother Oladido off to Eton this afternoon.

Apr. 04, 1964 - Nigerian Boy goes to Eton: 13-year-old Tokunbo Akintola, son of the Premier of Western Nigeria, went to Britain's top school, Eton College, the first African boy to be adnitted there. Photo Shows Leaving the Kensington Palace Gardens of the Agent General for Western Nigeria (left to right) the Agent General, Prince D. Ade Odubanjo, Mrs. Akintola, her daughter Abimbola, Tokunbo and his brother Oladido off to Eton this afternoon. Stock Photo

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Keystone Press / Alamy Stock Photo

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70.8 MB (1.7 MB Compressed download)


Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?


4484 x 5517 px | 38 x 46.7 cm | 14.9 x 18.4 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

4 April 1964

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This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage.

Apr. 04, 1964 - Nigerian Boy goes to Eton: 13-year-old Tokunbo Akintola, son of the Premier of Western Nigeria, went to Britain's top school, Eton College, the first African boy to be adnitted there. Photo Shows Leaving the Kensington Palace Gardens of the Agent General for Western Nigeria (left to right) the Agent General, Prince D. Ade Odubanjo, Mrs. Akintola, her daughter Abimbola, Tokunbo and his brother Oladido off to Eton this afternoon. (Credit Image: Keystone Pictures USA/ZUMAPRESS)

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