Aug. 17, 1976 - Great Bank Robbery In Paris May Be The World's Biggest. Drain robbers have struck again - and this time it was in Paris where they may have escaped from a bank with even more loot than last month's record ?6-million in Nice in July. the thieves stole the contents of 181 safe deposit boxes at the Societe Generale Bank on the exclusive Ile St Louis in the Seine. the theft was not discovered until today when the bank reopened after three-day holiday. The robbers drilled up into the vaults from sewers that flowed into the river

Aug. 17, 1976 - Great Bank Robbery In Paris May Be The World's Biggest. Drain robbers have struck again - and this time it was in Paris where they may have escaped from a bank with even more loot than last month's record ?6-million in Nice in July. the thieves stole the contents of 181 safe deposit boxes at the Societe Generale Bank on the exclusive Ile St Louis in the Seine. the theft was not discovered until today when the bank reopened after three-day holiday. The robbers drilled up into the vaults from sewers that flowed into the river Stock Photo

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Keystone Press / Alamy Stock Photo

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5250 x 4116 px | 44.5 x 34.8 cm | 17.5 x 13.7 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

17 August 1976

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Aug. 17, 1976 - Great Bank Robbery In Paris May Be The World's Biggest. Drain robbers have struck again - and this time it was in Paris where they may have escaped from a bank with even more loot than last month's record ?6-million in Nice in July. the thieves stole the contents of 181 safe deposit boxes at the Societe Generale Bank on the exclusive Ile St Louis in the Seine. the theft was not discovered until today when the bank reopened after three-day holiday. The robbers drilled up into the vaults from sewers that flowed into the river. the island is the home of many French film stars and politicians. Photo Shows:- Police on guard outside the front entrance of the Societe Generale the bank after the discovery of the robbery today. (Credit Image: Keystone Pictures USA/ZUMAPRESS)

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