Bas-relief to Tsar Alexander I of Russia for his victory over Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of Paris (March 30-31, 1814 )
![Bas-relief to Tsar Alexander I of Russia for his victory over Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of Paris (March 30-31, 1814 ) Stock Photo](
Image details
DE ROCKER / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
2AC8G5GFile size:
63.3 MB (4.4 MB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
5760 x 3840 px | 48.8 x 32.5 cm | 19.2 x 12.8 inches | 300dpiDate taken:
30 July 2019Location:
Alexander Garden, Moscow, Russian Federation, EuropeMore information:
Bas-relief to Tsar Alexander I of Russia at Alexander Garden in Moscow, Russia for his victory over Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of Paris (March 30-31, 1814 )