BEIJING, CHINA - 21 February 1972 - US President Nixon shaking hands with Chou EnLai standing at the foot of the Air Force One stair ramp, while Pat
RMID:Image ID:2HX20Y9
Image details
Geopix / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
2HX20Y9File size:
24.7 MB (862.3 KB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
3617 x 2388 px | 30.6 x 20.2 cm | 12.1 x 8 inches | 300dpiDate taken:
21 February 1972Location:
Beijing, ChinaMore information:
BEIJING, CHINA - 21 February 1972 - US President Nixon shaking hands with Chou EnLai standing at the foot of the Air Force One stair ramp, while Pat Nixon and Chinese officials stand nearby, February 21, 1972, symbolically ending 17 years of Sino-American tension - Photo: Geopix/Byron Schumaker