Bergy bits at the glacier front, Bredegletcher, Vikingebugt Inlet, Scoresby Sund, Greenland

Bergy bits at the glacier front, Bredegletcher, Vikingebugt Inlet, Scoresby Sund, Greenland Stock Photo

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Terry Allen / Alamy Stock Photo

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File size:

47.7 MB (2.9 MB Compressed download)


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5000 x 3333 px | 42.3 x 28.2 cm | 16.7 x 11.1 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

17 September 2018


Bredegletscher, Vikingebugt, Scoresby Sund, Greenland

More information:

Scoresby Sound (Scoresby Sund) is a large fjord system on the eastern coast of Greenland. Except for a small population of Inuit near the mouth of the fjord system at Ittoqqortoormiit, it is uninhabited. Warm water polynyas near its mouth help to support a diverse systems of flora and fauna, unusual for the Arctic. Many mountains, valleys and glaciers dot the fjords, giving rise to a spectacular collection of icebergs. The 3-masted schooner Rembrandt van Rijn does a several day tour of the spectacular features of Scoresby Sund.