. Bulletin. Science. WATER QUALITY IN THE LOS ANGELES RIVER 19. kilometers # Water Reclamation Plants A River and Tnbutary Boundary Sampling Sites o Input Sampling Sites Fig. 1. Map of the Los Angeles River watershed, listed streams, and sampling locations along the mainstem, at the head of tributaries, at point sources, and at storm drain outfalls to the river. trial facilities that can potentially discharge to the Los Angeles River, but the vast majority only discharge surface runoff during storm events. Unlike WRP or industrial facilities, there are potentially hundreds of outfalls to the L
![. Bulletin. Science. WATER QUALITY IN THE LOS ANGELES RIVER 19. kilometers # Water Reclamation Plants A River and Tnbutary Boundary Sampling Sites o Input Sampling Sites Fig. 1. Map of the Los Angeles River watershed, listed streams, and sampling locations along the mainstem, at the head of tributaries, at point sources, and at storm drain outfalls to the river. trial facilities that can potentially discharge to the Los Angeles River, but the vast majority only discharge surface runoff during storm events. Unlike WRP or industrial facilities, there are potentially hundreds of outfalls to the L Stock Photo](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/RH06M9/bulletin-science-water-quality-in-the-los-angeles-river-19-kilometers-water-reclamation-plants-a-river-and-tnbutary-boundary-sampling-sites-o-input-sampling-sites-fig-1-map-of-the-los-angeles-river-watershed-listed-streams-and-sampling-locations-along-the-mainstem-at-the-head-of-tributaries-at-point-sources-and-at-storm-drain-outfalls-to-the-river-trial-facilities-that-can-potentially-discharge-to-the-los-angeles-river-but-the-vast-majority-only-discharge-surface-runoff-during-storm-events-unlike-wrp-or-industrial-facilities-there-are-potentially-hundreds-of-outfalls-to-the-l-RH06M9.jpg)
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. Bulletin. Science. WATER QUALITY IN THE LOS ANGELES RIVER 19. kilometers # Water Reclamation Plants A River and Tnbutary Boundary Sampling Sites o Input Sampling Sites Fig. 1. Map of the Los Angeles River watershed, listed streams, and sampling locations along the mainstem, at the head of tributaries, at point sources, and at storm drain outfalls to the river. trial facilities that can potentially discharge to the Los Angeles River, but the vast majority only discharge surface runoff during storm events. Unlike WRP or industrial facilities, there are potentially hundreds of outfalls to the Los Angeles River from the municipal storm drainage system, which re- ceives no treatment prior to discharge. To accomplish identifying and sampling these storm drain outfalls, citizen monitors walked all 54 miles of the River and 15 miles of tributaries, identifying, documenting and eventually sampling each flowing outfall encountered. The volunteers were trained to collect samples in accordance with standard protocols during a one-day training class. Sampling of all inputs included visual observations of outfall size and location, flow, general characteristics such as the color, presence of foam or oily sheens, trash or algae, and water quality. Flow was measured using either timed-volu- metric or depth-velocity methods. Water quality parameters included flow, total suspended solids (TSS), total organic carbon, biological oxygen demand (BOD5), nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, total Kjedahl nitrogen TKN, and total phos- phorous), trace metals, (cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, nickel, mercury, and zinc). All analyses followed protocols approved the US EPA (1983) and Standard Methods (APHA 2000). Spatial Distribution Sampling Sampling of eight locations along the mainstem of the Los Angeles River, and at the head of all seven tributaries, was accomplished on September 11, 2000. Each location represents each of the 303(d) listed reaches in the watershed. Sam-. Please n