Convention Centre under construction, South Brisbane, 20 July 1994. Construction of the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre commenced in March 1993 following the demolition of the World Expo Park. It was opened on 6 June 1995.
![Convention Centre under construction, South Brisbane, 20 July 1994. Construction of the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre commenced in March 1993 following the demolition of the World Expo Park. It was opened on 6 June 1995. Stock Photo](
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QS Archive / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
MY0H3JFile size:
5.7 MB (478.5 KB Compressed download)Releases:
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1710 x 1169 px | 29 x 19.8 cm | 11.4 x 7.8 inches | 150dpiDate taken:
28 September 2016More information:
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