Coppermine Expedition 1819-1822, Canada, led by the British naval officer John Franklin. Fort Enterprise on the banks of the Coppermine River, the expeditions quarters for their second winter. Engraving, London, c1870.

Coppermine Expedition 1819-1822, Canada, led by the British naval officer John Franklin.   Fort Enterprise on the banks of the Coppermine River, the expeditions quarters for their second winter. Engraving, London, c1870. Stock Photo

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3799 x 5521 px | 32.2 x 46.7 cm | 12.7 x 18.4 inches | 300dpi

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Coppermine Expedition 1819-1822, Canada, led by the British naval officer John Franklin. Fort Enterprise on the banks of the Coppermine River, the expeditions quarters for their second winter. Engraving, London, c1870.