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Counter Mortar Radar - New York Army National Guard Soldiers with the 27th Infantry Brigade Combat Team set up a AN/TPQ-50 Lightweight Counter Mortar Radar (LCMR) on July 31, 2019, at Fort Drum, New York. The radar section for the 27th Infantry Brigade Combat Team took a course on the new radar system that was over a week long before testing in the field.( U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. Andrew Winchell ) Counter rocket, artillery, and mortar, abbreviated C-RAM or counter-RAM, is a set of systems used to detect and/or destroy incoming rockets, artillery, and mortar rounds in the air.

Counter Mortar Radar  - New York Army National Guard Soldiers with the 27th Infantry Brigade Combat Team set up a  AN/TPQ-50 Lightweight Counter Mortar Radar (LCMR) on July 31, 2019, at Fort Drum, New York. The radar section for the 27th Infantry Brigade Combat Team took a course on the new radar system that was over a week long before testing in the field.( U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. Andrew Winchell ) Counter rocket, artillery, and mortar, abbreviated C-RAM or counter-RAM, is a set of systems used to detect and/or destroy incoming rockets, artillery, and mortar rounds in the air. Stock Photo

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American Photo Archive / Alamy Stock Photo

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344.5 MB (2.7 MB Compressed download)


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13440 x 8960 px | 113.8 x 75.9 cm | 44.8 x 29.9 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

13 March 2016


New York

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Counter rocket, artillery, and mortar, abbreviated C-RAM or counter-RAM, is a set of systems used to detect and/or destroy incoming rockets, artillery, and mortar rounds in the air before they hit their ground targets, or simply provide early warning.