Craven sworn in as member of F.C.C. Washington, D.C. Aug. 25. T.A.M. Craven, who was recently named a member of the Federal Communications Commission, taking the oath of office today. Miss Pansy Wiltshire, personnel office of the F.C.C. , is shown administering the oath, while on the right is Thomas J. Slowie, Secretary of the F.C.C. 8/25/37

Craven sworn in as member of F.C.C. Washington, D.C. Aug. 25. T.A.M. Craven, who was recently named a member of the Federal Communications Commission, taking the oath of office today. Miss Pansy Wiltshire, personnel office of the F.C.C. , is shown administering the oath, while on the right is Thomas J. Slowie, Secretary of the F.C.C. 8/25/37 Stock Photo

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