. Cunningham's Text-book of anatomy. Anatomy. THE DEFEEENT DUCT. 1289 a lobule of the epididymis (O.T. conus vasculosus). Within the head of the epididymis the little canals finally open into the single much-convoluted tube which constitutes the chief bulk of the epididymis, and is called the duct of the epididymis. This canal, which is not less than 19 or 20 feet in length, may be said to begin in the head of the epididymis, and to end, after an extraordinarily tortuous course, at the tail by becoming the ductus deferens (Fig. 1006). In most cases one or more slender convoluted diverticula fr
![. Cunningham's Text-book of anatomy. Anatomy. THE DEFEEENT DUCT. 1289 a lobule of the epididymis (O.T. conus vasculosus). Within the head of the epididymis the little canals finally open into the single much-convoluted tube which constitutes the chief bulk of the epididymis, and is called the duct of the epididymis. This canal, which is not less than 19 or 20 feet in length, may be said to begin in the head of the epididymis, and to end, after an extraordinarily tortuous course, at the tail by becoming the ductus deferens (Fig. 1006). In most cases one or more slender convoluted diverticula fr Stock Photo](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/PFY3PY/cunninghams-text-book-of-anatomy-anatomy-the-defeeent-duct-1289-a-lobule-of-the-epididymis-ot-conus-vasculosus-within-the-head-of-the-epididymis-the-little-canals-finally-open-into-the-single-much-convoluted-tube-which-constitutes-the-chief-bulk-of-the-epididymis-and-is-called-the-duct-of-the-epididymis-this-canal-which-is-not-less-than-19-or-20-feet-in-length-may-be-said-to-begin-in-the-head-of-the-epididymis-and-to-end-after-an-extraordinarily-tortuous-course-at-the-tail-by-becoming-the-ductus-deferens-fig-1006-in-most-cases-one-or-more-slender-convoluted-diverticula-fr-PFY3PY.jpg)
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. Cunningham's Text-book of anatomy. Anatomy. THE DEFEEENT DUCT. 1289 a lobule of the epididymis (O.T. conus vasculosus). Within the head of the epididymis the little canals finally open into the single much-convoluted tube which constitutes the chief bulk of the epididymis, and is called the duct of the epididymis. This canal, which is not less than 19 or 20 feet in length, may be said to begin in the head of the epididymis, and to end, after an extraordinarily tortuous course, at the tail by becoming the ductus deferens (Fig. 1006). In most cases one or more slender convoluted diverticula from the duct of the epi- didymis may be found near its lower end. These receive the name of ductuli aberrantes, and one of them which is very constantly present often measures a foot or more in length. Minute Structure.âThe duct of the epididymis and the efferent ductules are lined by a ciliated epithelium, the cilia of which maintain a constant current towards the ductus deferens. The duct of the epididymis possesses a muscular coat composed of an inner stratum of transversely and an outer stratum of longitudinally directed , â » fibres. The wall, at first thin, becomes Funiculus llltt l Qh« much thicker as the ductus epididymidis spermatid approaches the ductus deferens. Ductus deferens Vessels and Nerves of the Testis.âThe testis is supplied by the internal spermatic artery, a branch of the aorta. This slender vessel, after Head of epididymis. Head of epididymi Appendix of testis. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Cunningham, D. J. (Daniel John), 1850-1909; Robinson, Arthur, b. 1862, ed. New York, W. Wood