Czech painter Michael Rittstein on a press guided tour of his exhibition Feet on the Table at the Kampa Museum in Prague, Czech Republic, December 8, 2023. Michael Rittstein is one of the leading representatives of Czech expressive figurative painting. He headed the painting studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague for seventeen years. His work is represented in the Albertina Museum in Vienna, the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum in Bratislava and the National Gallery in Prague. (CTK Photo/Michal Kamaryt)

Czech painter Michael Rittstein on a press guided tour of his exhibition Feet on the Table at the Kampa Museum in Prague, Czech Republic, December 8, 2023. Michael Rittstein is one of the leading representatives of Czech expressive figurative painting. He headed the painting studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague for seventeen years. His work is represented in the Albertina Museum in Vienna, the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum in Bratislava and the National Gallery in Prague. (CTK Photo/Michal Kamaryt) Stock Photo

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CTK / Alamy Stock Photo

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94.6 MB (3.5 MB Compressed download)


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7042 x 4695 px | 59.6 x 39.8 cm | 23.5 x 15.7 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

8 December 2023



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