Daniel Cajanus . Enoch Seeman (1694/95-1744) has painted the qualitatively best one in 1734. The painting measuring 315 x 183 cm (10 feet 4 inches x 6 feet) was presumably commissioned by John, Count of Montague, living in Boughton House in Kettering, England. The portrait presumably moved to Dalkeith House in Scotland after the marriage of the granddaughter of John Montague and the count of Buccleuch. It is presently exhibited in the National Museum of Finland in Helsinki, Finland, which possesses the painting since 1975. It shows Cajanus in a military outfit with braiding, turban and a fur

Daniel Cajanus .  Enoch Seeman (1694/95-1744) has painted the qualitatively best one in 1734. The painting measuring 315 x 183 cm (10 feet 4 inches x 6 feet) was presumably commissioned by John, Count of Montague, living in Boughton House in Kettering, England. The portrait presumably moved to Dalkeith House in Scotland after the marriage of the granddaughter of John Montague and the count of Buccleuch. It is presently exhibited in the National Museum of Finland in Helsinki, Finland, which possesses the painting since 1975. It shows Cajanus in a military outfit with braiding, turban and a fur  Stock Photo

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The Picture Art Collection / Alamy Stock Photo

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1695 x 2949 px | 14.4 x 25 cm | 5.7 x 9.8 inches | 300dpi

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Daniel Cajanus . Enoch Seeman (1694/95-1744) has painted the qualitatively best one in 1734. The painting measuring 315 x 183 cm (10 feet 4 inches x 6 feet) was presumably commissioned by John, Count of Montague, living in Boughton House in Kettering, England. The portrait presumably moved to Dalkeith House in Scotland after the marriage of the granddaughter of John Montague and the count of Buccleuch. It is presently exhibited in the National Museum of Finland in Helsinki, Finland, which possesses the painting since 1975. It shows Cajanus in a military outfit with braiding, turban and a fur coat. On the stone next to him is written: “Caianus, born in Lapland who was in London 1734. His hight is 7 foot and 10 inc. ae 28, E. Seeman pinx. 1734” If you visit your local library and pick up some textbooks on Art History, you can learn a lot more about these painting and the painter. Luonnolliseen kokoon maalattu muotokuva suurikokoisesta miehestä (pit. 247, 5 cm). Kokovartalokuva, vartalo hiukan vasemmalle, kasvot oikealle kääntyneinä. Ns. puolalaiseen pukuun ja turbaaniin pukeutunut malli seisoo jalkaterät ulospäin vasen käsi lantiolla ja oikea keppiin nojaten. Taulun vasemmassa laidassa . 1734. 1109 Seeman Cajanus

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