Details van Restantten Van de Curia Hostilia Te Rome, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, c. 1756 - c. 1757 print Details of remnants of the Curia Hostilia in Rome (identified on print as the Menagerie of Emperor Domitian). Numbered in the top left: Tom. Iv. Numbered at the top right: LV. Title Boven and explanatory list of letters in sub -margin. Rome paper etching ruin of a building architecture. boulder, stone Court hostile

Details van Restantten Van de Curia Hostilia Te Rome, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, c. 1756 - c. 1757 print Details of remnants of the Curia Hostilia in Rome (identified on print as the Menagerie of Emperor Domitian). Numbered in the top left: Tom. Iv. Numbered at the top right: LV. Title Boven and explanatory list of letters in sub -margin. Rome paper etching ruin of a building ~ architecture. boulder, stone Court hostile Stock Photo

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