Dreer's novelties and specialties for Dreer's novelties and specialties for 1948 : three superb zinnias for every garden . dreersnoveltiess1948henr Year: 1948 Lilium formosanum Lilium resale Regal Lily Speciosum nibrum Show Lily Tigrinuiii I ger Lily Enchanting LILIES for Your Garden Lilies are as easy to grow as any other type of bulbs ii planted at the recommended depth in good garden soil. Manure, except if thoroughly rotted, never should be mixed with the soil where they are planted. However they like a winter soil mulch of weM-rotted manure which is taken off in early spring. A porous, v
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Dreer's novelties and specialties for Dreer's novelties and specialties for 1948 : three superb zinnias for every garden . dreersnoveltiess1948henr Year: 1948 Lilium formosanum Lilium resale Regal Lily Speciosum nibrum Show Lily Tigrinuiii I ger Lily Enchanting LILIES for Your Garden Lilies are as easy to grow as any other type of bulbs ii planted at the recommended depth in good garden soil. Manure, except if thoroughly rotted, never should be mixed with the soil where they are planted. However they like a winter soil mulch of weM-rotted manure which is taken off in early spring. A porous, vv^ell drained soil rich in humus is important. They are showv garden plants preferring partial shade to full sun and, if given proper treatment, will last for many, many years. 40-560 Centifolium, Olympic Hybrids. Majestic plants up to 8 feet tall bearing in early July spectacular large ivory white blooms with the outside tinted brownish pink. 'ery showy and richly fragrant. Cover 6 in. deep. 60c each; 3 for $1.65; 12 for $6.00; 25 for $11.00. 40-563 Croceum {Orange Lily). A handsome, hardy, long lived, vigorous Lily of easy culture with bright orange- yellow blooms, spotted purplish black. Cover 4 inches deep. 60c each; 3 for $1.65; 12 for $6.00; 25 for $12.00. 40-570 Formosanum (Dream or New Wonder Lily). ® Large white blooms tinted rose on the outside. Flowers from August to October and grows 3-4 feet tall. Prefers a living ground cover. Cover 5 in. deep. 40c each; 3 for $1.10; 12 for $4.00; 25 for $7.50. 40-580 Henryi (Yellow Show Lily). ® Rich apricot-yel- low blooms with a few chocolate spots. Grows S to 6 feet tall. Blooms during July. Impartial to lime, sun, or shade. Cover bulbs 8 inches deep. Large bulbs: 60c each; 3 for $1.65; 12 for $6.00; 25 for $12.00. 40-598 Princeps, George C. Creelman. A glorious hy- brid 4 to 6 ft. tall blooming in July. Has large bell- shaped trumpets, pure white on the inside and brown on the outside. Cover 5 inches deep. 60c each; 3