Embarrassed young male hipster with beard holding a birthday cake in his hands and looking thoughtfully at him posing on a yellow background. Concept

Embarrassed young male hipster with beard holding a birthday cake in his hands and looking thoughtfully at him posing on a yellow background. Concept Stock Photo

Image details


Tatiana Chekryzhova / Alamy Stock Photo

Image ID:


File size:

57.1 MB (1.2 MB Compressed download)


Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?


3648 x 5472 px | 30.9 x 46.3 cm | 12.2 x 18.2 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

4 June 2019

More information:

Embarrassed young male hipster with beard holding a birthday cake in his hands and looking thoughtfully at him posing on a yellow background. Concept of time quickly flies by. Advertising space