Emmen, Netherlands. 29th July, 2020. EMMEN, 29-07-2020, Wildlife zoo stock, Olifant Olifanten zijn grote zoogdieren uit de familie van de Elephantidae binnen de orde van de slurfdieren. Traditioneel worden er twee soorten erkend, de Afrikaanse olifant en de Aziatische olifant. Elephants are large mammals of the Elephantidae family within the order of the trunk animals. Traditionally, two species have been recognized, the African elephant and the Asian elephant. Credit: Pro Shots/Alamy Live News

Emmen, Netherlands. 29th July, 2020. EMMEN, 29-07-2020, Wildlife zoo stock, Olifant Olifanten zijn grote zoogdieren uit de familie van de Elephantidae binnen de orde van de slurfdieren. Traditioneel worden er twee soorten erkend, de Afrikaanse olifant en de Aziatische olifant. Elephants are large mammals of the Elephantidae family within the order of the trunk animals. Traditionally, two species have been recognized, the African elephant and the Asian elephant. Credit: Pro Shots/Alamy Live News Stock Photo

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Pro Shots / Alamy Stock Photo

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3543 x 2363 px | 30 x 20 cm | 11.8 x 7.9 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

29 July 2020


Stanley Gontha

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