Empress Eugénie, Eugenia María de Montijo de Guzmán, Countess of Teba (1826-1920) Empress of the French from 1853 to 1870. Image details Contributor:
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2334 x 3758 px | 19.8 x 31.8 cm | 7.8 x 12.5 inches | 300dpi
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Doña María Eugenia Ignacia Agustina de Palafox y Kirkpatrick, 19th Countess of Teba, 16th Marchioness of Ardales (1826 -1920), known as Eugénie de Montijo was Empress of the French after her marriage to Emperor Napoleon III on 30 January 1853 Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/empress-eugenie-by-franz-xaver-winterhalter-1805-1873-oil-on-canvas-1854-doa-mara-eugenia-ignacia-agustina-de-palafox-y-kirkpatrick-19th-countess-of-teba-16th-marchioness-of-ardales-1826-1920-known-as-eugnie-de-montijo-was-empress-of-the-french-after-her-marriage-to-emperor-napoleon-iii-on-30-january-1853-image543802948.html RM 2PGMA5T – Empress Eugenie by Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-1873), oil on canvas, 1854. Doña María Eugenia Ignacia Agustina de Palafox y Kirkpatrick, 19th Countess of Teba, 16th Marchioness of Ardales (1826 -1920), known as Eugénie de Montijo was Empress of the French after her marriage to Emperor Napoleon III on 30 January 1853 Eugénie de Montijo (Eugenia de Palafox Portocarrero y Kirkpatric) (1826-1920). Spanish aristocrat and Empress consort of the French (1853-1870) as wife of Napoleon III (1808-1873). Portrait. Drawing by J. Vallejo. Lithography by J. Donón. 'Reyes Contemporáneos' (Contemporary Kings). Volume III. Published in Madrid, 1854. 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Dated 19th century Dona Maria Eugenia Ignacia Agustina de Palafox y Kirkpatrick, 19th Countess of Teba, 16th Marchioness of Ardales (5 May 1826 – 11 July 1920), known as Eugénie de Montijo, was Empress of the French from her marriage to Emperor Napoleon III on 30 January 1853 until the Emperor was overthrown on 4 September 1870. from the book Sights and sensations in Europe : sketches of travel and adventure in England, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Holland, and Belgium : with an account of the places and persons prominent in the Franco-German war by Bro Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/dona-maria-eugenia-ignacia-agustina-de-palafox-y-kirkpatrick-19th-countess-of-teba-16th-marchioness-of-ardales-5-may-1826-11-july-1920-known-as-eugnie-de-montijo-was-empress-of-the-french-from-her-marriage-to-emperor-napoleon-iii-on-30-january-1853-until-the-emperor-was-overthrown-on-4-september-1870-from-the-book-sights-and-sensations-in-europe-sketches-of-travel-and-adventure-in-england-ireland-france-spain-portugal-germany-switzerland-italy-austria-poland-hungary-holland-and-belgium-with-an-account-of-the-places-and-persons-prominent-in-the-franco-german-war-by-bro-image431683584.html RM 2G28TPT – Dona Maria Eugenia Ignacia Agustina de Palafox y Kirkpatrick, 19th Countess of Teba, 16th Marchioness of Ardales (5 May 1826 – 11 July 1920), known as Eugénie de Montijo, was Empress of the French from her marriage to Emperor Napoleon III on 30 January 1853 until the Emperor was overthrown on 4 September 1870. from the book Sights and sensations in Europe : sketches of travel and adventure in England, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Holland, and Belgium : with an account of the places and persons prominent in the Franco-German war by Bro EUGENIA MARIA DE MONTIJO the empress Eugenie, wife of Napoleon III, photographed after the French defeat and her flight to England. Date: 1826 - 1920 Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/eugenia-maria-de-montijo-the-empress-eugenie-wife-of-napoleon-iii-photographed-after-the-french-defeat-and-her-flight-to-england-date-1826-1920-image557102921.html RM 2RAA6CW – EUGENIA MARIA DE MONTIJO the empress Eugenie, wife of Napoleon III, photographed after the French defeat and her flight to England. Date: 1826 - 1920 The Empress Eugenie in her bridal dress, 1853, (1902). Artist: Edmund Thomas Parris Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-the-empress-eugenie-in-her-bridal-dress-1853-1902-artist-edmund-thomas-135268349.html RM HT204D – The Empress Eugenie in her bridal dress, 1853, (1902). Artist: Edmund Thomas Parris L'imperatrice Eugenie (1826-1920, nee Eugenia Maria de Montijo de Guzman) femme de NapoleonIII, ici en priere, d'apres la photo de Gustave Le Gray, 1856 Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/limperatrice-eugenie-1826-1920-nee-eugenia-maria-de-montijo-de-guzman-femme-de-napoleoniii-ici-en-priere-dapres-la-photo-de-gustave-le-gray-1856-image503594608.html RM 2M78M1M – L'imperatrice Eugenie (1826-1920, nee Eugenia Maria de Montijo de Guzman) femme de NapoleonIII, ici en priere, d'apres la photo de Gustave Le Gray, 1856 Empress Eugenie (1856) a photo by the French photographer Jean-Baptiste Gustave Le Gray. Le Gray is considered as one of the pioneers of photography and one of the most important photographers of the 1800s. He is known for his technical innovations, including the development of the waxed paper negative (which held more detail than the process developed by Fox Talbot) and his combination prints, where he used one negative for the sky and another for the land/sea. Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/empress-eugenie-1856-a-photo-by-the-french-photographer-jean-baptiste-gustave-le-gray-le-gray-is-considered-as-one-of-the-pioneers-of-photography-and-one-of-the-most-important-photographers-of-the-1800s-he-is-known-for-his-technical-innovations-including-the-development-of-the-waxed-paper-negative-which-held-more-detail-than-the-process-developed-by-fox-talbot-and-his-combination-prints-where-he-used-one-negative-for-the-sky-and-another-for-the-landsea-image628212347.html RM 2YE1F77 – Empress Eugenie (1856) a photo by the French photographer Jean-Baptiste Gustave Le Gray. Le Gray is considered as one of the pioneers of photography and one of the most important photographers of the 1800s. He is known for his technical innovations, including the development of the waxed paper negative (which held more detail than the process developed by Fox Talbot) and his combination prints, where he used one negative for the sky and another for the land/sea.