. 日本語: 高倉天皇像(『天子摂関御影』のうち) English: Portrait of the Emperor Takakura (from the Tenshi-Sekkan Miei) . 日本語: 14世紀前半 English: Former half of 14th century 586 Emperor Takakura

.  日本語: 高倉天皇像(『天子摂関御影』のうち) English: Portrait of the Emperor Takakura (from the Tenshi-Sekkan Miei)  .  日本語: 14世紀前半 English: Former half of 14th century   586 Emperor Takakura Stock Photo

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The Picture Art Collection / Alamy Stock Photo

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14.3 MB (914.8 KB Compressed download)


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2098 x 2381 px | 35.5 x 40.3 cm | 14 x 15.9 inches | 150dpi

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