. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. 64 The Florists' Review Fbbsdart 25. 1915. C. S. & Co. NEW YORK Our Motto:—The Best the Market Affords JUST RECEIVED:- | HOHMANN'r FAMOUS LILY OF THE VALLEY PIPS lf.M{a Lllium FormoBnm. 7/9 in., case of 260 bulbs. $16.00 Lilium MulUflorum. 7/9 in., CMe of 300 bulbs. $16.60 Lilium Gissntetnn. 7/9 in., cwe-of 909 boliis. tWM— - - ; ^ NEW YORK CHAS. SCHWAKE it CO., Inc., 90-92 West Broadway, Mention Tbe Berlew when yon write. pected that a large part of the supply required for 1915 and 1916 might have to be imported from Eussia at heavy f r-e i g

. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. 64 The Florists' Review Fbbsdart 25. 1915. C. S. & Co. NEW YORK Our Motto:—The Best the Market Affords JUST RECEIVED:- | HOHMANN'r FAMOUS LILY OF THE VALLEY PIPS lf.M{a Lllium FormoBnm. 7/9 in., case of 260 bulbs. $16.00 Lilium MulUflorum. 7/9 in., CMe of 300 bulbs. $16.60 Lilium Gissntetnn. 7/9 in., cwe-of 909 boliis. tWM— - - ; ^ NEW YORK CHAS. SCHWAKE it CO., Inc., 90-92 West Broadway, Mention Tbe Berlew when yon write. pected that a large part of the supply required for 1915 and 1916 might have to be imported from Eussia at heavy f r-e i g  Stock Photo

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. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. 64 The Florists' Review Fbbsdart 25. 1915. C. S. & Co. NEW YORK Our Motto:—The Best the Market Affords JUST RECEIVED:- | HOHMANN'r FAMOUS LILY OF THE VALLEY PIPS lf.M{a Lllium FormoBnm. 7/9 in., case of 260 bulbs. $16.00 Lilium MulUflorum. 7/9 in., CMe of 300 bulbs. $16.60 Lilium Gissntetnn. 7/9 in., cwe-of 909 boliis. tWM— - - ; ^ NEW YORK CHAS. SCHWAKE it CO., Inc., 90-92 West Broadway, Mention Tbe Berlew when yon write. pected that a large part of the supply required for 1915 and 1916 might have to be imported from Eussia at heavy f r-e i g h t, insurance and shipping charges. The suspension for the dura- tion of the present crisis was therefore as a safeguard against a too great ad- vance in price of the seed required by the sugar beet growers. "In fact, notwithstanding the large stock of sugar beet seed which Trench firms had on hand at the beginning of the crisis, they could not be ready to fill all of a sudden the demand of about 5, 000 tons of sugar beet seed used annually in France. "The change, however, does not in- terest in any degree the trade in gar- den beet and mangel seeds, articles which France does not import, but of which^ on the contrary, she exports large quantities of seed every year." MOBE BULBS FBOM HOLLAND. The steamers Veendyk and Nieuw Amsterdam, from Eotterdam, which ar- rived at New York February 15, brought the following consignments of Dutch bulbs: Consignee Maltus & Ware Cased 0 Adams Express Oo 84 International Forwarding Baldwin, A., & Co Co 28 12 Luckenbacb & Co 1 Berger, H. H., & Co Scbelnens. J.. & Co 1 44 Kuyper, F. C, & Co 117 Total 296 Prevlonsly reported 34.787 Total to date 35, 083 THE SUPPLY or VALLEY PIPS. There are evidences that the supply of valley pips is worrying the holders, and it will be of interest to note that the imports through the port of New York to February 10 are only a little heavier this season than last—9, 339 ca