. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. OUTDOOR BULB PLANTING. Preparing the Ground. A]] tlic Dutdi bulbs wliicli nrv waiiU'd lor forcing i>urposos wore in tlie soil some time a<;o; or, if they wort' not, tbey pliould havo been. Tlic planting of bulbs outdoors or some other gritty material. Depth to Plant. Plant liyacinths and the larger l)nlbcd narcissi, sueli as Einjieror, Sir W.atkiii, Victoria, etc., five imdies dee|i, the bulk of other narcissi and all tulijis lOui inches deop, and small bulbed aiictic>. such as siiow(li'o|is, crocus, scillas, (diioii udo.xas and winter ac
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. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. OUTDOOR BULB PLANTING. Preparing the Ground. A]] tlic Dutdi bulbs wliicli nrv waiiU'd lor forcing i>urposos wore in tlie soil some time a<;o; or, if they wort' not, tbey pliould havo been. Tlic planting of bulbs outdoors or some other gritty material. Depth to Plant. Plant liyacinths and the larger l)nlbcd narcissi, sueli as Einjieror, Sir W.atkiii, Victoria, etc., five imdies dee|i, the bulk of other narcissi and all tulijis lOui inches deop, and small bulbed aiictic>. such as siiow(li'o|is, crocus, scillas, (diioii udo.xas and winter aconites, three iiicjie>. S])aiiisli an(l Knglisli iris sliouM be ro ered four iiudies, but the ]dantiiig ot these is belter if left until the last, MS they coiniiH lice to grow (juite early. Theie is an ;nn]ile su|'p!y of liuib> in the countr- this fall :ind tin- (piality is unusually- good. Tlie lionblous times 111 I'.'urope liav(> icduced tlie deinaiid thei'e enormously, but the r.-ill heie .-ip peai's to be uiuisually good, liulbs liae a strong faM-inat ioii, coMiiiig into blooni >o earl' in the vav, .-iiid it i'- no woiniei that their )iopiii;irity iiicieases. Tliev are all h.'trdy, (d' ea>y eultiiic ;iiid, in inaiiy eases, are f'en better the seiorni than the tii>t _e;ir. lleie i> :i bijiiuli whii-li lloiists can easily de'el(>]i t re iiiendou>ly and, a> tlie work ennio in the fall, when our eiieigies are not oei t.axed as they mi (d'teii .are in tlie bi'dding-out season, we should use :ill leeitiniate means to em-oni .-igi^ biilb pl.ant ill A Tulips and Hyacinths. The Imll'S for bed.jin:: piupn-r^ , irr iisiiallv contined to tiilijis and liy aii iil li--. Tlie latter aie, if anytliing. le-s |i|aiite<I out than a decade ago, wjiile the mini ber of tulips shows a t reiiiitidons in 'Teasi'. Hyacinths ;iie elVei-iivc wlieii ''r<' n in masses, with tin' lulor^ <:ii- fully harmonized. They are undesirable when jdanted in mixtures