Gleanings in bee culture . ntific Queen-rearing, and tlie fl^f ^^American Bee Journal, one year, Both for Only M^ ? u^^ Doolittles Sclentiflc Queen-rearing book corftains 126 pages, and Is bound ^ leatherette withround corners. It tells in the clearest way possible just how the famous queen-t)reecier, Mr. Vj. m.Doolittle, rears the best of queen bees in perfect accord with Natures way. As all ^^o^J^,^-Ji°°little has spent some 40 years in rearing queens and producing honey. He has no superior as aqueen-breeder. You can learn to rear fine queens by following his dirertlons. The beginner will

Gleanings in bee culture . ntific Queen-rearing, and tlie fl^f ^^American Bee Journal, one year, Both for Only M^ ? u^^ Doolittles Sclentiflc Queen-rearing book corftains 126 pages, and Is bound ^ leatherette withround corners. It tells in the clearest way possible just how the famous queen-t)reecier, Mr. Vj. m.Doolittle, rears the best of queen bees in perfect accord with Natures way. As all ^^o^J^,^-Ji°°little has spent some 40 years in rearing queens and producing honey. He has no superior as aqueen-breeder. You can learn to rear fine queens by following his dirertlons. The beginner will Stock Photo

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Gleanings in bee culture . ntific Queen-rearing, and tlie fl^f ^^American Bee Journal, one year, Both for Only M^ ? u^^ Doolittles Sclentiflc Queen-rearing book corftains 126 pages, and Is bound ^ leatherette withround corners. It tells in the clearest way possible just how the famous queen-t)reecier, Mr. Vj. m.Doolittle, rears the best of queen bees in perfect accord with Natures way. As all ^^o^J^, ^-Ji°°little has spent some 40 years in rearing queens and producing honey. He has no superior as aqueen-breeder. You can learn to rear fine queens by following his dirertlons. The beginner will want First Lessons; the older beekeeper should have Scientific Queen-rearing-. You will not re^et it If you send your Sl.OO now and gret either one of these boonswith the JOURNAL, as the JOURNAL itself is worth more than the total cost. AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL, HAMILTON, ILLINOIS GLEANINGS IN BEE CuLTURj-: PAPER HONEY-JARS A sanitary, substantial, waxed-paper bottle.Cheap enough to give away with honey.Sample mailed free.. Every beekeeper who produces extracted honey exchanging containers, and dealers and stand-keep- and is interested in building up a home market for ers will make many additional sales. There are his product will at once be interested in this con- many consumers who will be glad to take home a tainer. It is neat, does not leak, and is especially pound or two of honey if they do not have to pay desirable for granulated honey, as jars can be filled additional for the container. and after granulation takes places the consumer can The jars are now packed in uniform shipping-remove the paper bottle, thus leaving a beautiful boxes containing one gross each, complete with stop-cone of granulated honey ready for the table. Such pers and a stopper-inserter with each gross. Pleasepackages are not affected by moisture, regardless of note the very light weight when packed for ship-any damp climate. The beekeeper can deliver his ment, a feature by which transportation by exp