Globe Theatre, London, UK, 28th Oct 2022. Artist Grayson Perry. Contestants show off their beautiful creations and themed costumes in three categories during the spectacular and deliberately chaotic Alternative Miss World contest. Celebrating it's 50th year since Andrew Logan created it back in 1972, this year's theme is 'Gold'. Logan hosts the sold out event with Jarvis Cocker, in the jury are designer Zandra Rhodes, artist Grayson Perry, Sara Kestelman, Pam Hogg, Tim Yip and others. The eventual winner is 'Miss Golden Girl', crowned and celebrated on stage by all at the end.

Globe Theatre, London, UK, 28th Oct 2022. Artist Grayson Perry. Contestants show off their beautiful creations and themed costumes in three categories during the spectacular and deliberately chaotic Alternative Miss World contest. Celebrating it's 50th year since Andrew Logan created it back in 1972, this year's theme is 'Gold'. Logan hosts the sold out event with Jarvis Cocker, in the jury are designer Zandra Rhodes, artist Grayson Perry, Sara Kestelman, Pam Hogg, Tim Yip and others. The eventual winner is 'Miss Golden Girl', crowned and celebrated on stage by all at the end. Stock Photo

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5600 x 4480 px | 47.4 x 37.9 cm | 18.7 x 14.9 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

28 October 2022

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