. History of Huntingdon and Blair counties, Pennsylvania . nor, daughter of Jacob Eastep, of Union town-ship. Their children have numbered seven, of whomsix are living,—James M., Martha Jane, Thomas J.,:Mary A., Albert G., and Lavinia A. After his mar-riage Simeon took charge of his fathers farm, andcarried it on continuously for twenty-two years untilhis fathers death, and then moved to the farm henow owns, previously owned by Jacob Easteii anil thebirthplace of Mrs. Simeon Wright. Mr. Wright has lived an active and stirring exist-ence, not only as a husbandman, but as a wide-awake,live citiz

. History of Huntingdon and Blair counties, Pennsylvania . nor, daughter of Jacob Eastep, of Union town-ship. Their children have numbered seven, of whomsix are living,—James M., Martha Jane, Thomas J.,:Mary A., Albert G., and Lavinia A. After his mar-riage Simeon took charge of his fathers farm, andcarried it on continuously for twenty-two years untilhis fathers death, and then moved to the farm henow owns, previously owned by Jacob Easteii anil thebirthplace of Mrs. Simeon Wright. Mr. Wright has lived an active and stirring exist-ence, not only as a husbandman, but as a wide-awake,live citiz Stock Photo

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. History of Huntingdon and Blair counties, Pennsylvania . nor, daughter of Jacob Eastep, of Union town-ship. Their children have numbered seven, of whomsix are living, —James M., Martha Jane, Thomas J., :Mary A., Albert G., and Lavinia A. After his mar-riage Simeon took charge of his fathers farm, andcarried it on continuously for twenty-two years untilhis fathers death, and then moved to the farm henow owns, previously owned by Jacob Easteii anil thebirthplace of Mrs. Simeon Wright. Mr. Wright has lived an active and stirring exist-ence, not only as a husbandman, but as a wide-awake, live citizen. Early in life he took a more than pass-ing interest in military affairs, and as a citizen-soldierwas for many years a prominent figure in his homesection. In 1842 he was commissioned first lieutenantof the Trough Creek Guards, and in 1865 held a commission as captain in the Scott Artillery. In1846 he was chosen justice of the peace, and for threesuccessive terms was honored by re-election, so thathe held the office continuouslv for twentv vears. He. served as county commissioner from ISiiS to AJ1, retired from his post with a record that did credit to himself and his constituents. ; Chilcott Family.—Richard Chilcott, son of Richard and Rachel Chilcott, was born in the town of Bridgewater, Somersetshire, England, on the 24th ; of February, 1746; came to America and lived for some time in Baltimore County, Md., where on the I 29th of May, 1774, he married Ruth, daughter of Zebulon Lovell. His children were as follows: Mary, Rachel, and Lydia all married and movedto the Western States; William, born April 3, 1784, i near Westminster, Md.; Richard, Zebulon, Ruth, born Sept. 3, 1789, married Dr. Jesse Wright (seeCass township); Ethan, engaged in the iron businessin Petersburg and died there; and Julia, marriedPeter Hess. In the sjiring of 1774, James McCardell, actingU]>on the suggestion of John Dean, who lived at ornear where John Myerly now resides, commenced animproveme