Hybrid Teas. Lady Rose. W. Kordes. 1979

Hybrid Teas. Lady Rose. W. Kordes. 1979 Stock Photo

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Piotr & Irena Kolasa / Alamy Stock Photo

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52.6 MB (1.4 MB Compressed download)


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3498 x 5256 px | 29.6 x 44.5 cm | 11.7 x 17.5 inches | 300dpi

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Several rose breeding enterprises extend over multiple generations. Kordes and Meilland are two of the oldest and most influential with a continuous operating history. Wilhelm Kordes put the firm on the map with a number of very sturdy landscape and parkland roses. We discuss his work separately. In 1960 Reimer Kordes took the reins and his descendents manage the company today. The one thread that unites all of Kordes work would seem to be a clear prioritization of rose qualities with vigor and disease resistance always receiving highest priority, form and foliferous qualities recieving high, but secondary priority, and fragrance being a desireable but optional quality. For those who are struck by one or more of Kordes cultivars and would have them regardless of fragrance, this is a good enough order of things. But those rose lovers who covet fragrance in all their roses will find this a tough list to navigate. Graham Thomas, in particular, finds a number of the vigorous shrubs 'scentless, soulless.' I have failed with Crimson Bouquet and Robusta, in both cases growing them in dense impoverished , dry soil. I have been delighted with the progress of Autumn Sunset, a sport of Westerland. It seems to manage almost as well as some of my best albas. Folklore, too, has done very well for me. And though I am not very enamored of Elmshorn, it has managed to grow well in poor, dry soil and mostly shade. Carribbean I have seen in two municipal parks and it is one of a very tiny number of roses that have truly wowed me. I have also been impressed with Rote Max Graf and Helmut Schmidt. I cannot recall ever seeing a more perfectly shaped hybrid tea blossom than one produced by Helmut Schmidt growing at Vintage Gardens Roses in Sebastopol. But then, I don't get out much. Still, for gardeners growing roses in the NE US and the plains states, many of Kordes offerings will survive where some of rosedom's prettier things will perish. And when this is the choice you have, it's not so