Kahnawake, Canada. 10th July, 2022. Participants of the pow-wow waiting for the judge's verdict during the festival. The 30th Annual Echoes of a Proud Nation pow-wow brought in thousands of people from all across North America to celebrate Native people culture and traditions in the Mohawk Reserve of Kahnawake. After a two-year hiatus, the biggest pow-wow in Quebec offered a time to meet, dance, sing, visit and celebrate with friends and family. Credit: SOPA Images Limited/Alamy Live News

Kahnawake, Canada. 10th July, 2022. Participants of the pow-wow waiting for the judge's verdict during the festival. The 30th Annual Echoes of a Proud Nation pow-wow brought in thousands of people from all across North America to celebrate Native people culture and traditions in the Mohawk Reserve of Kahnawake. After a two-year hiatus, the biggest pow-wow in Quebec offered a time to meet, dance, sing, visit and celebrate with friends and family. Credit: SOPA Images Limited/Alamy Live News Stock Photo

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Date taken:

10 July 2022


SOPA Images

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