Lazio Roma Rome S. Giovanni a Porta Latina6. Hutzel, Max 1960-1990 Medieval: Architecture, sculptural relief, fresco painting, mosaics. Post-medieval: Restored apse Antiquities: Architectural fragments, sculpture Object Notes: No precise dates known of foundation, church probably originates from 5th century, with refurbishings of 7th century. Campanile of classical Roman style originates from 12th century; frescoes date from end of 12th century. Hutzel photo campaign undated. See also Marburger Index, no. 354. German-born photographer and scholar Max Hutzel (1911-1988) photographed in Italy fr

Lazio Roma Rome S. Giovanni a Porta Latina6. Hutzel, Max 1960-1990 Medieval: Architecture, sculptural relief, fresco painting, mosaics. Post-medieval: Restored apse Antiquities: Architectural fragments, sculpture Object Notes: No precise dates known of foundation, church probably originates from 5th century, with refurbishings of 7th century. Campanile of classical Roman style originates from 12th century; frescoes date from end of 12th century. Hutzel photo campaign undated. See also Marburger Index, no. 354. German-born photographer and scholar Max Hutzel (1911-1988) photographed in Italy fr Stock Photo

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piemags/GB24 / Alamy Stock Photo

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71.9 MB (2 MB Compressed download)


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5737 x 4378 px | 48.6 x 37.1 cm | 19.1 x 14.6 inches | 300dpi

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This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage.

Lazio Roma Rome S. Giovanni a Porta Latina6. Hutzel, Max 1960-1990 Medieval: Architecture, sculptural relief, fresco painting, mosaics. Post-medieval: Restored apse Antiquities: Architectural fragments, sculpture Object Notes: No precise dates known of foundation, church probably originates from 5th century, with refurbishings of 7th century. Campanile of classical Roman style originates from 12th century; frescoes date from end of 12th century. Hutzel photo campaign undated. See also Marburger Index, no. 354. German-born photographer and scholar Max Hutzel (1911-1988) photographed in Italy from the early 1960s until his death. The result of this project, referred to by Hutzel as Foto Arte Minore, is thorough documentation of art historical development in Italy up to the 18th century, including objects of the Etruscans and the Romans, as well as early Medieval, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque monuments. Images are organized by geographic region in Italy, then by province, city, site complex and monument.