Little Heir to Europe 's Littlest Throne The hereditary Prince Jean of Luxemburg , the infant sonof the reigning Grand Duchess and her husband Prince Felix of Bourbon Parma . This is the baby 's first potrait 19 January 1923

Little Heir to Europe 's Littlest Throne The hereditary Prince Jean of Luxemburg , the infant sonof the reigning Grand Duchess and her husband Prince Felix of Bourbon Parma . This is the baby 's first potrait 19 January 1923 Stock Photo

Image details


Smith Archive / Alamy Stock Photo

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File size:

53.8 MB (818.5 KB Compressed download)


Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?


4126 x 4558 px | 34.9 x 38.6 cm | 13.8 x 15.2 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

26 May 2020


Smith Archive

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