Lt. Gen. Lawrence D. Nicholson, U.S. Marine Corps Commanding General of III Marine Expeditionary Force, offers silent prayers for a woman who was killed on the southern Japanese island, at the USMC Camp Foster in Okinawa, Japan. The U.S. military in Japan is restricting celebrations and off-base alcohol consumption in Okinawa after a former Marine was arrested on suspicion of killing a woman on the island. (Sadayuki Goto/Kyodo News via AP) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT

Lt. Gen. Lawrence D. Nicholson, U.S. Marine Corps Commanding General of III Marine Expeditionary Force, offers silent prayers for a woman who was killed on the southern Japanese island, at the USMC Camp Foster in Okinawa, Japan. The U.S. military in Japan is restricting celebrations and off-base alcohol consumption in Okinawa after a former Marine was arrested on suspicion of killing a woman on the island. (Sadayuki Goto/Kyodo News via AP) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT Stock Photo

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Associated Press / Alamy Stock Photo

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26.5 MB (588.2 KB Compressed download)


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2806 x 3305 px | 23.8 x 28 cm | 9.4 x 11 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

28 May 2016


Sadayuki Goto

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