Map of East Indies, 1616, 1646 print Map of the East Indies, 1616. At the top right a bet with a card from the so-called Strait van Botton, near Cambodia. Part of the illustrations in the report of the Joris van Spilbergen journey around the world, 1614-1617, No. 19. Northern Netherlands paper etching exploration, expedition, voyage of discovery. landscapes in tropical and sub-tropical regions. maps of separate countries or regions Street of Taiwan. East-India. Indonesia. China. Philippines. New Guinea. Cambodia. Melaka. Malaysia. Pegu

Map of East Indies, 1616, 1646 print Map of the East Indies, 1616. At the top right a bet with a card from the so-called Strait van Botton, near Cambodia. Part of the illustrations in the report of the Joris van Spilbergen journey around the world, 1614-1617, No. 19. Northern Netherlands paper etching exploration, expedition, voyage of discovery. landscapes in tropical and sub-tropical regions. maps of separate countries or regions Street of Taiwan. East-India. Indonesia. China. Philippines. New Guinea. Cambodia. Melaka. Malaysia. Pegu Stock Photo

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