Map with the old banks of the Haarlemmermeer, ca. 1770, 1766 - 1770 print Leaf from the large map of the Rijnland Water Board, ca. 1770. Reissue of the original magazine from 1687 on which the banks measured in the years 1687, 1745, 1764 and 1766. Hand written by caption, scale and wind directions. Northern Netherlands paper etching / engraving maps of separate countries or regions. polder, reclaimed land Haarlemmermeer

Map with the old banks of the Haarlemmermeer, ca. 1770, 1766 - 1770 print Leaf from the large map of the Rijnland Water Board, ca. 1770. Reissue of the original magazine from 1687 on which the banks measured in the years 1687, 1745, 1764 and 1766. Hand written by caption, scale and wind directions. Northern Netherlands paper etching / engraving maps of separate countries or regions. polder, reclaimed land Haarlemmermeer Stock Photo

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5760 x 4662 px | 48.8 x 39.5 cm | 19.2 x 15.5 inches | 300dpi

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