Melissa and Vinnie Murphy tragically lost their children , Noah, 7, and Sophia, 5, earlier this year when they were murdered. Their son, Malik Murphy, is charged with the murder of his little brother and sister. They never returned to their home after the murders. On the back of their couch at the Murphys new home is a blanket made of photos of featuring the two small children. Thursday, February 1, 2018. (Jerilee Bennett/The Gazette via AP)
![Melissa and Vinnie Murphy tragically lost their children , Noah, 7, and Sophia, 5, earlier this year when they were murdered. Their son, Malik Murphy, is charged with the murder of his little brother and sister. They never returned to their home after the murders. On the back of their couch at the Murphys new home is a blanket made of photos of featuring the two small children. Thursday, February 1, 2018. (Jerilee Bennett/The Gazette via AP) Stock Photo](
Image details
Associated Press / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
2NXJD97File size:
32.9 MB (1.4 MB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
3501 x 3280 px | 29.6 x 27.8 cm | 11.7 x 10.9 inches | 300dpiDate taken:
1 February 2018Photographer:
Jerilee BennettMore information:
This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage.
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